AH Holiday Travel

Where would you go in holidays? To Italy, watch the remnants of Etruscan Empire? Swim and lie on the beaches of Carthago? Discover long-lost ruins of Salomon's Temple? Or maybe to Eastern Prussia, although it's still dangerous to be a tourist in Third Reich.

Any other ideas?
Visit the Paladin Temple in Edo, the newly restored Fuhrer's Hall in Berlin, the mausoleums of Shah Jahan and his wife.
The Imperial Palace of Constantinople is a place that I would love to visit. It's by far the oldest palace in the world that's still used - parts of it are over 1500 years old, and the current Emperor, Nicephoros XVII, still resides there.

Although it's not as impressive in terms of sheer size and grandeur, I'd like to see the Great Hall of the Kings of North Angland in York. It was the capital of the northern Kingdom for centuries before the 2 Englands were united dynastically in 1672.

It's not as well known as its counterpart in Cordoba, but the Great Mosque of Toulouse is still very impressive. Even though the Christians eventually took back control of the area from the Muslims in the 13th century, a substantial Islamic community survived and still makes up about 20% of the cities population today.
I'd love to go to the Hyde Park Tonk Festival. I mean, those US 'rhythm gospellers' like Aaron Presley are OK, but for sheer zing, nothing beats Canadian Tonk. It has something to do with being the largest industrial nation on earth, I guess, and the distribution network of the media companies in the Empire must have helped, but on the whole I think the secret behind the multimillion-pound contracts is that the Canadian bands are just the best. Them, the Scouse and the Punjabis, of course.
I'm trying to save up for a trip to Tsiolkovskygrad. I've always wanted to visit the Moon, although I've always wondered what would have happened if the Americans had won the space race...
In the Operation Unicorn TL I am working on I'd go to Ireland aboard the German airship Michael Collins and find a lot of places in Dublin named after Major Iriwn Rommel.
For the trip of a life time nothing goes passed the Empire Express from London to Cape Town. Departing from Tower Station east across the Victoria Cross Channel bridge into Britany before leaving British soil and heading south into the kingdom of France. Then it is east again through the United Papal Republics of Italy, the southern tip of the Habsburg Empire and on to the British protectorate of Byzantium. From here on you are back in the British Empire, south from Constantinople with its great St Sophia Cathedral into greater Palestine. In Jerusalem go see the rebuilding of the Temple sponsored with donations from both Jewish and Gentile members of the Empire. From King David Station you can catch the Empress of India to Delhi or continue south to Cairio. There you can see the Sphinx, the pyramids and of course the Egyptian wing of the British museum the largest branch outside of the home isles.The railway then follows the Nile almost to its source, then along the western shore of Lake Victoria through the rift valley and into southern africa. Before winding down through the great mining cities and on to Cape Town and the Cecil Rhodes Station. Along the way you will also pass the Zulu Kingdom the recruiting ground of possibly the finest non-british fighting force in the empire the Royal Zulu Regiment.( Some may argue the Mohawk, Maori or Ghurka regiments.)
I'd go visit the Royal Palace in Honolulu. I hear it's quite grand- complete with pillars, marble from Europe, and inlaid glass from Italy. They say that King Kalakaua built it with the finances from American planters, but accidentally gave too much rights in exchange for that. Then his sister assumed the throne, and thus the Rebellion of '88 occurred. (I may have that wrong- where is that guide book...)

After that I'll go visit Nelson Town. From what I hear- it's a mix of both Spanish and British architecture throughout the town. The guide book highly advises visiting Nelson Fort- reconstructed back in the early days of British takeover. Then there are the cathedrals- grand in their size and reflecting the very height of Spanish power in South America (before the Napoleonic Wars). After that, I'm probably going to see the Oytch Quarter, the Governer's Mansion, and the Parliment. Maybe I'll run into some people who can tell stories of when Nelson Town was Buenos Aires...
I want to go to Scottport (sounds like Stockport doesn't it...) those domed cities on Antarctica are cool.
On my must-see list:

Towers of Silence in Rome. Those in Constantinople are bigger but these are more breathtaking.

Reich Museum, Greater London gau.

Sunrise over Bagdad, most prosperous city in Islamic Republic of Iran.

CSA Congress building, Richmond.

Night view of Athens, Satrapy of Greece.

But people should avoid once vibrant city of Kabul. Iranian IRGC patrols can make life hard for visitors.
I'd like to see the mosques of Mount Hiei, in the Japanese Caliphate - preferably to view the cherry-blossom, of course.

Not to mention the Stupa of the Gur-Khans, on the former Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It does tend to be crowded, with Buddhist pilgrims from all over Eurafrica, but spectacular nonetheless.

Avoid Macchu Picchu, though; they say the nightlife's lively, but really it's nothing but Inca heavy metal bands. If I hear one more headbanger screaming on about collectivisation of the coca crop...

For a relaxing beach holiday in unspoiled, if a bit primitive, conditions, try the coast of the California Oblast. There's hardly any tourists there at all, and it's not really "cheap holidays on other people's misery", the serfs seem really happy to, err, serve.