Spartacus Goes East

According to this link, there was a point late in Spartacus's rebellion that has a lot of POD potential.

"Meanwhile, the Senate recalled Pompey and his legions from Spain, and they began the journey overland; Marcus Licinius Lucullus landed in Brundisium in the heel of Italy with his legions from Macedonia. When Spartacus finally fought his way out of the toe of Italy, he could not march to Brundisium and take ship to the east because of the presence of Lucullus."

WI Lucullus landed somewhere different and Spartacus marched his army to Brundisium in Calabria and crossed into the Balkans? Spartacus was a Thracian and he could eventually make his way back into his own country. Plus, further east, the potential for intrigue with the Parthians and other Eastern enemies of Rome exists.

If Spartacus was sensible, after he won at Mutina (now called Modena) in north Italy, he would have gone away northeast out of Roman territory and gone home to his people.

That is most likely true.

If Spartacus went into the East, do y'all think he could set off some sort of uprising by the Greeks and others? I believe the Third Mithraditic War (Rome vs. Mithradates the Great of Pontus) is still going on, so Mithradates might have some new friends.