What is/Where is Siebentod?

Just listened to this song on youtube, lyrics of which are below (according to this site):

Wir kamn vor Siebentod,
Da hätten wir weder Wein noch Brot.
Strampede mi a la mi presente al vostra signori.

Wir kamen vor Friaul,
Da hätten wir allesamt groß Maul.
Strampede mi a la mi presente al vostra signori.

Wir kamn vor Benevent,
Da hätten wir uns die Hand verbrennt.
Strampede mi a la mi presente al vostra signori.

Wir kamen vor Triest
Da hätten wir allesamt die Pest .
Strampede mi a la mi presente al vostra signori.

Wir kamen auch vor Rom,
da schossen wir den Papst vom Thron.
Strampede mi a la mi presente al vostra signori.

Based on the verse convention, I assumed that Siebentod was the German name of a place in Italy; however, I've not been able to find such a place anywhere in Italy, and am beginning to suspect it might not refer to a place name at all; in which case, can anyone point me in the right direction or explain what the word means?

Also, I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me where I could find the full version of the song with all the verses included, since most versions on youtube and amazon seem to only contain the first three.

I found a German dictionary entry.

EDIT: The forum linked to above identifies Friuli with Briaul, not Siebentod. I didn't see any specific interpretation of the latter.

EDIT: Oh, now I see how "Cividad" or the like could be mutated by Germans.
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can anyone point me in the right direction or explain what the word means?
Looking on German exonyms for Italian places, it seems to be there.

with all the verses included, since most versions on youtube and amazon seem to only contain the first three.
While searching for the exonyms, I went into some texts arguing that these were the three original verses, the other being added to the march song up to the XXth. But it may be wrong.