AHC Ethopia Wank?

Wha I says on the title, can also be after 1900

The easiest way to "wank" Ethiopia is to preserve the Roman-Persian militarized border in Mesopotamia, which routed east-west trade through the Red Sea, which the Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum controlled up until the Arab conquests. I'm actually working on a timeline to this effect, though it's slow going.
My concern is famine. Ethiopia has been very food insecure throughout its history, I feel that making it more food secure and not changing anything else would really wank it. It could accumulate wealth and knowledge without having these gains wiped away by famine, close enough to the trade networks to be very influential but remote enough from other powers to avoid being conquered.

Maybe I'm just cynical, but I really don't have faith in central-government produced white elephant projects to lift countries from poverty. Almost every article I've read on Ethiopia's renaissance comes with at least a few lines about how these projects are negatively affecting disenfranchised groups. The government's lack of respect for democratic processes and the rights of its own citizens make me doubt that these projects will do anything but enrich those already in power.
Maybe I'm just cynical, but I really don't have faith in central-government produced white elephant projects to lift countries from poverty. Almost every article I've read on Ethiopia's renaissance comes with at least a few lines about how these projects are negatively affecting disenfranchised groups.
Regardless of what you or I think about the megaprojects meantioned in the article, it seems Ethiopia's economy is growing at an impressive rate. From the linked article:
Over the last decade Ethiopia's economy has grown at an average of 11 percent, more than double the rate for sub-Saharan Africa, according to U.N. figures.
The government's lack of respect for democratic processes and the rights of its own citizens make me doubt that these projects will do anything but enrich those already in power.
Yes well the PRC already showed the world that you don't need to care about democracy or human rights to have a booming economy and improving the standard of living for the average citizen.
Successful Ethiopian (Aksumite) conquest of Mecca. Islam never comes to existance and there are of course no Arab conquests. Ethiopia (Aksum) controls Yemen, Eritrea, and northern Ethiopia. Aksum slowly expands into the rest of OTL Ethiopia, Oman and Hejaz. Eventually Ethiopia dominates trade in a similar way as the Arabs did in OTL. The Byzantines prefer trading with the Christian Ethiopians over trading with the Zoroastrian Persians which are their enemies, so most of the trade to Europe will pass through Ethiopia. This makes Ethiopia very rich. Throughout the centuries Ethiopia expands further, and are able to conquer large parts of Africa. They also conquer Nubia, and during a period of Byzantine weakness they conquer Egypt. This makes Ethiopia even richer, allowing them to expand even further, etc. (This is pretty far in the future so its difficult to predict)
Successful Ethiopian (Aksumite) conquest of Mecca. Islam never comes to existance and there are of course no Arab conquests. Ethiopia (Aksum) controls Yemen, Eritrea, and northern Ethiopia. Aksum slowly expands into the rest of OTL Ethiopia, Oman and Hejaz. Eventually Ethiopia dominates trade in a similar way as the Arabs did in OTL. The Byzantines prefer trading with the Christian Ethiopians over trading with the Zoroastrian Persians which are their enemies, so most of the trade to Europe will pass through Ethiopia. This makes Ethiopia very rich. Throughout the centuries Ethiopia expands further, and are able to conquer large parts of Africa. They also conquer Nubia, and during a period of Byzantine weakness they conquer Egypt. This makes Ethiopia even richer, allowing them to expand even further, etc. (This is pretty far in the future so its difficult to predict)

Ye, that's it.
Actually, if you want a real wank, Ethiopia might conquer all North Africa after Egypt. Or Persia - that would make more fun.