No Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles is the central part of a complex that housed the French government, most notably the Royalty, during the reigns of Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis VI.
Suppose King Louis XIV does not have the Palace of Versailles constructed. Which royal palace shall he use?
Well, there were parts of the chateau de Vincennes as well as Les Tuileries that were fixed up during the Régence for Louis XV, and pre-Vaux-le-Vicomte debacle, Le Roi Soleil actually toyed with the idea of rebuilding Vincennes.

However, what one has to remember was that the protocol and etiquette of Versailles will still exist without there being a Versailles per se. LXIV remembered only too well what had happened during Le Fronde and was determined to make the nobles dependent on the king in a way they hadn't been in a long time. Also, the Fronde was what made him decide against Paris given his experiences of what had happened there as a child.