Significance of Coronation Date Before 1900

King Stephen of England had his coronation on Christmas Day, December 25, 1141, at Canterbury Cathedral.
This was the second coronation for Stephen.
He had first been crowned King of England on December 26, 1135 at Westminster Abbey.

Do you think there is a significance in the date that the sovereign chooses for his Coronation Day?
There are a few dates in the Swedish coronation dates that are repeated.
June 29th - Karl Knutson, Kristian I, Eric XIV, and Charles XIII
September 28th - Charles XI and Oscar I
May 3rd - Frederik I and Charles XV
King Charles X Gustav's coronation took place on June 6th, 1654.
The date June 6th was the date his great-grandfather, Gustav I had been elected King of Sweden by the Riksdag in 1523.
The solstices seem to be popular, it definitely invokes a bit of the Roman Empire and "sun" cults of antiquity.
On his birthday, October 12, 1822, Dom Pedro of the House of Braganza was formally declared Emperor Pedro I of Brazil.
On December 1, 1822, he celebrated his formal coronation as the first Emperor of Brazil.
Henry the Young King of England had his second coronation in 1172 at Winchester Cathedral.
At this second coronation when Henry was crowned King of England, his wife Margaret was crowned also.
The date of their coronation is also the same date as their wedding day.
On Christmas Day, December 25, 1046, Holy Roman Emperor Henry III was crowned by Pope Clement II.
Previously Clement II had been the Bishop of Bemberg.
Henry had him nominated for the papacy and the Council of Sutri elected him Pope.
Immediately after his own coronation, King Hugh Capet of France began to push for the coronation of his son Robert.
Robert was eventually crowned on December 25, 987.
On October 25, 1154 Henry II became King of England.
Eleanor was crowned Queen of England by the Archbishop of Canterbury on December 19, 1154.
She may not have been anointed on this occasion, however, because she had previously been anointed in 1137.
In 1406 King Robert III of Scotland died. His son James I ascended the throne.
James I was not crowned until 1424 as he was a prisoner of the English.
James was crowned May 21, 1424 at Scone Abbey.
James I of England was crowned king on July 25, 1603.
He had been crowned King of Scotland on July 29, 1567.
The coronation dates were separated by four days even though they were several years apart.
King Edward the Confessor died on January 5, 1066.
The next day, January 6, 1066, the newly consecrated royal abbey at Westminster saw the funeral of one sovereign, King Edward, and the coronation of another: Harold.