A Shift in Priorities - Sequel

The original thread was launched on December 17th, 2008, at 09:56 AM, and ran until being closed today. A link to the original thread is provided in Post #3 below. Before continuing with the story, we shall have

A Look at the World in the Spring of 1949.

Continental Europe west of Russia is clearly dominated by the German Empire. The German economy, powered by 105 million inhabitants, casts a pall over all other nations. German scientists are leading in almost every field of research; German is the accepted language of the world’s scientific community. The European countries, with the exception of Ireland, Great Britain, Switzerland, Poland and Greece, are part of the Common European Economy (COMECON), which seals up the market against products from the outside. As a result, foodstuffs and consumer goods are relatively expensive, yet there is almost full employment everywhere and farmers generally can live from what they produce. The ubiquitous socialist welfare states in the COMECON levy high taxes, but in return pamper their citizens with wraparound services.

There is no overarching military alliance, but rather a network of bilateral or multilateral agreements and treaties. At the core, however, any military attack on a COMECON country from the outside will immediately solicit a German military response.
Until today, Germany is the only nuclear armed power in the COMECON and operates large stocks of modern chemical weapons. France, Italy and Hungary have nuclear programmes of their own, but these have not yet produced atomic bombs.

The only violent conflict smouldering at the moment is that in the FOM (France d’outre mer – overseas France, the Mediterranean coastline between Morocco and Tunisia). This is officially treated as an internal French affair.

Greece is a special case. Her population, far too large to be supported by the Greek economy alone, is sustained with the aid of a permanent COMECON mission. Many Greeks have already emigrated to other countries – and the situation in Greece is less tense than it used to be, nevertheless, the country is not yet capable to subsist without external support.

Poland forms another abnormality. Created by the Central Powers in 1916, the country was not allowed to unite all Poles inside its borders. This led to frictions with Germany and the purposeful decision to stay out of the entity preceding the COMECON. Further reduced in size by the creation of the Heymshtot, Poland remains a source of revisionism and unrest, but is too small and too vulnerable to pose a threat to anyone. As a source of cheap labour, however, the country has some friends inside the COMECON.

If one follows the official German view, Great Britain is not part of Europe, but a separate entity altogether. Ruled by a communist regime, the country is characterised by the abolition of private property beyond the sphere of housewares and personal needs. Great Britain is a nuclear power and entertains large armed forces. She resolutely clings to the remnants of her colonial empire, which have to produce the natural resources required by the British economy. The most important colony is Canada, followed by Nigeria, where Britain’s crude oil supply comes from.
The Socialist Unity Party (SUP) rule in Britain has long been benevolently tolerated by the German socialists, even if the COMECON was eventually closed for cheap British merchandise. The recent national-conservative government in Berlin took a more distanced stance, but its actors were too old to bestir to decisive action. Generally, continental Europe has arrived at the awareness that Britain has ceased to be a nation under the rule of law and has become a kind of despotism. But – following German lead – there is a strong tendency to block the country out of Europe and leave it to its destiny.

Ireland is on friendly terms with the COMECON and the US and profits greatly from her place in-between. Relations to Britain are strained because of Irish smuggling and British dissidents frequently fleeing to Eire, but the strong US presence in country dissuades Britain from actions that might put Canada into peril.

One trait found all over Europe is the proclivity to constitutional monarchism – in combination with socialist welfare regimes. Even the Hetman of the Ukraine qualifies as monarch. Only Ireland, Switzerland, Czecho-Slovakia, Poland, the Heymshtot, the Baltic Countries and Finland do not possess a royalty as head of state.
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This is kinda strange, the timeline that got me into this forum has suddenly been put to a different thread... but... well, to another 680 pages!

Also, first! :D (sorry, couldn't resist)
I'm looking forward to the next parts of the timeline.

Awesome work, rast. Really, really awesome work.
The Caucasus Countries
The realm is also known as ‘Evegstan’, which tells something about the latent power structure. Nevertheless, the countries are working democracies, even if dependent on one overwhelming company as almost universal employer. They are associated to the COMECON, which allows them to reap the benefits without, however, gaining them a seat in the decision-making bodies. Standard of living is high, as EVEG pays well and oil sells well.
Although no German troops are stationed in the area, it is clearly marked as part of the German zone of influence. Even Armenia, not blessed with oil but useful as buffer zone, enjoys full German protection.
Some people in Azerbaijan may nurse thoughts about joining the Pan-Turan Commonwealth, but the Azeris represent only about half of the total population, and neither Armenians nor Georgians, the other two sizeable ethnical groups in country, are well disposed towards the Ottoman Empire and its allies.

The Energie-Versorgungs-Gesellschaft, short EVEG, is a trust formed by the German trusts. It is not active inside Germany, only the company headquarters is situated at Schöneberg, today a part of Greater Berlin. Its original purpose was to secure the oil supply for the German industry by managing the Romanian and Caucasian oil wells. At present, EVEG is active worldwide, competing with the Japanese Hokushinkai trust, Rosneft of Russia and the US based Standard Oil Company for the title of largest energy supplier.

The Ottoman Empire and the Pan-Turan Commonwealth
The Ottoman Empire is nominally divided into four emirates. The Emirate of Egypt is only de jure part of the empire, but de facto acting as an independent state. It will be treated in the Africa chapter. This account will thus concentrate on the Ottoman Empire made up from the Emirates of Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Arabia. They have successfully modernised in many areas, but populousness is still a major concern, even if wide stretches of the realm remain uninhabitable. While there are many fields where all ethnical groups can melt together freely, which is officially encouraged, the Turks still run the show when it comes to wielding real power.

The empire is a nuclear power and entertains modern armed forces, which are, however, of limited size, a reflection of the small population base. There are sufficient funds available to buy or produce state-of-the-art military hardware, therefore the Ottomans are widely perceived as more minacious than they really are. The proverbial aggressivity of their secret service adds to this notion.

The empire’s alliance with Germany has never been put in question, but focus has shifted away from Europe and the Mediterranean to the Pan-Turan Commonwealth. The countries of this alliance, however, suffer from the same problem as the Ottoman Empire: a very small population base – especially if compared with Russia, the Great Qing Empire or the Realm of the Aryans, the neighbours all round. Ottoman nuclear capability, therefore, has lifted an incubus from the whole commonwealth.

Turkish permissiveness and sobriety so far has kept down religious zeal. The Sultan and Caliph protects the Holy Sites with Turkish troops – and the Istihbarat and Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa, the secret service and the special forces under General Muharip, providently neutralise dangerous elements. Nevertheless, under Grand Vizier Gürsel Paşa, social change has considerably slowed down and traditional values have become important again.

The empire is rich in oil, found in the emirates of Mesopotamia and Arabia and exclusively exploited by EVEG. EVEG has also managed the nuclear effort of the Sublime Porte. But it would be wrong to suppose that EVEG is taking influence in Ottoman policy. As long as EVEG’s main task, energy supply to Germany, remains unchallenged, the trust will normally not undertake political manoeuvres.
Since this is a time to refresh our memories, what happened to Dutch Shell? Is it still around and just small, or did it bow to pressure and fold in with EVEG?

This would also be a good time to post an up-to-date map. I think I could modify the one Ampersand did a little while ago. The only updates I can think of are:

1) Sierra Leone
2) General chaos in Central America

Anything I'm forgetting?
Since this is a time to refresh our memories, what happened to Dutch Shell? Is it still around and just small, or did it bow to pressure and fold in with EVEG?

This would also be a good time to post an up-to-date map. I think I could modify the one Ampersand did a little while ago. The only updates I can think of are:

1) Sierra Leone
2) General chaos in Central America

Anything I'm forgetting?

Shell is still around, not even very small, but not one of the really big players.
1) Sierra Leone
2) The Gambia
3) the former Italian colonies in Africa
4) any border change in Central America
World in 1949

Okay! Here's the world in 1949. I just went ahead and put some chaos dots over Central America for the moment.

Is this sufficient or do people think I should post a key with this?

Edit: requested key. And apologies, I didn't pick the colors and some of them are baffling me on my crappy screen!

Red: United Kingdom and close dominions
Pink: British territories

Coral: Australia, New Zealand and territories (no longer associated with the UK.)

Dark Grey: German Empire
Grey-Blue: Sweden
Lightest Grey: Norway
Dark Blue: France and territories
Light Purple: Belgium
Dark Orange: The Netherlands
Light Orange: Dutch territories
Light Blue: Denmark and territories
Olive-Brown: Spain and territories
Dark Green: Portugal and territories
Brown: Italy
Medium Blue: Bulgaria
Along with Czechoslovakia, Slovenia, Hungary-Croatia, Romania, The Heymshtot, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland, these countries make up the COMECON. Associated countries include Ukraine, the North Caucasus Republic, Georgia, North Azerbaijan, and Armenia. Also Albania, which is a vassal of Bulgaria.

Dark Purple: Greece

Medium Grey: Mittelafrika (former German colony.)

Olive-Green: Ottoman Empire
The Ottomans dominate the Pan-Turan Commonwealth made up of South Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, The Emirate of Bokhara, Khanate of Kokand, and Uyghurstan. NOTE: There's another country in central Asia that DOES NOT EXIST ITTL. It's a mistake from the original. Apologies for the confusion. The two countries between Afghanistan and Kazakhstan together make up the Khanate of Kokand.
Light Olive-Green: Emirate of Egypt (officially a vassal of the Ottomans.)

Dark Mustard: Russian Empire

Yellow: Okay, Persia and Japan look like they're the same exact color, this is getting frustrating. Just know that Persia is the one where Persia traditionally goes and Japan has likewise elected to stay put.:p

Light Violet: India
India dominates the Aryan League, which consists of Greater Afghanistan and Persia. Status of Nepal is unclear. Greater Mysore (southern India and Sri Lanka) is not a part of the Aryan League, but is understandably influenced by India, as is Bali.

Japan dominates the East Asian Alliance, made up of the Philippines, Vietnam, Siam, and Burma, with many of the East Indies island nations associated: Java, Lombok & Sumbawa, Celebes, and Borneo.

Greenish-Blue: The United States and territories

Medium Green: China

Dotted Line in Africa: Unofficial border between Al-Zayer and Ala Ka Kuma

Current Conflict Zones:
Central America
France Outre Mer

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Key added, but does anyone remember what country is north of Persia? Roughly where Turkmenistan would be?
This part of the map looks a lot like OTL. ITTL, no third entity exists between the Emirate of Bokhara and the Khanate of Kokand.
Detail from an old map of mine:

new world order1 detail.jpg
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This part of the map looks a lot like OTL. ITTL, no third entity exists between the Emirate of Bokhara and the Khanate of Kokand.
Detail from an old map of mine:

Right, I guess Ampersand just got ahead of himself. I'll make a note in my crappy key.:p