How feasible were all those crazy Axis Powers' plans?

Lebensraum, Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Spazio Vitale, dividing Asia between Germany and Japan along a predetermined line, Mittelafrika, Mare Nostrum, and essentially enslaving the rest of the planet... Those are fairly grandiose plans, and it seems like the Axis powers were serious about fulfilling them, and these aren't just some madmen's fantasies. Which of those are feasible, and to what degree? For example, it's possible for Italy to become the dominant power in the Mediterranean, but is it possible for it to become the *sole* power there while holding the majority of the Mediterranean coastline? It's possible for Japan to create a series of puppet states in East Asia while holding the majority of the important ports and islands of East Asia and the Pacific, but can they really make all of Greater East Asia their playing ground, and for how long can they keep it?
Well, since they would all require a total Axis victory (which would require two-dozen PODs at least to work), then as a whole they are not really feasible as such a total victory was beyond the reach of the OTL Axis. They first have to win to start working on materializing these plans.

Now, if we assume some "limited Axis victory" scenario or even the aforemented "total Axis victory" scenario has occured, then they are all feasible. There's no doubt in my mind that under the right circumstances the Axis powers could draw lines on a map and do their absolute best to fulfil their megalomaniacal dreams. As I said, the main problem is winning the war.

But practically none of these grand schemes are sustainable in the long run, so even winning the war won't lead to all these plans being fulfiled.
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They were all "plausible" to some degree but bot sustainably in the long run. And to succed with one another may not work. They would all require a pod/pods to work out. I have personaly toyes with the idea in my head about a revanchist germany but who are not nazis. Basicly have the same politics without the whole kill all the jews,untermenchen and stuff like that. Having the German Jews on your side would be a great advantage. In ww1 the German jews were one of the most patriotic groups. And utilising all the support from the anti communist peoples of the soviet union like the ukrainians. have no idea how to make it work do.