AHC: Monarchism vs Repbulicanism Cold War

Your challenge today is to have an alternate version of the cold war. However, instead of Capitalism vs Communism most of the ideological will be based on Republicanism vs Monarchism. POD can be anywhere from 1700-1850.
The British are more lenient with the Americans and so America stays in the empire eventually becoming a dominion. WW1 happens as in OTL but Kerensky takes Russia out of the war and has the romanoffs shot. Bolsheviks never take over. In WW2 the russians kick out the royal families of the eastern european nations and declare them republics. After the war get the russian propaganda to go on about how the west is governed by kings and the east is truly democratic and then get the west to respond.
while its at a level of cold war yet, Disaster at Leuthen certainly have all the ingredients lined up if the world polarize a bit more along the split after the current WW1'ish war is done, as there is strong monarchies and strong republics all around ... only need the republicans to overturn another few 'chairs' before such a war wouldn't be a cakewalk for one of the parties
Napoleonic Europe vs. republican Americas, perhaps? I wonder what the flashpoints in such a world might be - Sub-Saharan Africa? South America?
The British are more lenient with the Americans and so America stays in the empire eventually becoming a dominion. WW1 happens as in OTL but Kerensky takes Russia out of the war and has the romanoffs shot. Bolsheviks never take over. In WW2 the russians kick out the royal families of the eastern european nations and declare them republics. After the war get the russian propaganda to go on about how the west is governed by kings and the east is truly democratic and then get the west to respond.
How exactly would everything happen as IOTL with a POD during or before the American Revolution? Butterflies, my friend.

I think that a possibility is during the Napoleonic Wars. If Napoleon doesn't make the fatal mistake of invading Russia, it's possible that he could've brought most of Europe under France's sphere of influence. Eventually, when Napoleon dies, another revolution breaks out in France, restoring the French Republic, and spreads to the rest of continental Europe, with the exception of Russia. Pretty soon, we have a British-dominated monarchist bloc, and a Franco-American dominated republican bloc.
(Napoleonic PoD)
Napoleonic Europe, Imperial Brazil, Japanese Empire
United States, Republic of China, Republic of India

1740s Pod: Basically, the Diplomatic Revolution never happens. Instead of UK & Prussia vs. France, Austria, and Russia, it's UK & Austria vs. France, Prussia, and Russia. The UK & Austria win. A different version of the United States still gains independence later on, sometime in the 1760s or 70s.

Habsburg Grossdeutschland, Imperial Brazil, Bourbon France, Imperial Japan
United States, Republic of China, Russian Republic, Republic of the Congo