Challenge Thread: create trailers for TLs!

Edit: All of the music links are to the same video. The links are there just to let you know when each part picks up (the track is about 2 minutes long in total)

With this music in the background.

Open on a close-up of an SS skull pin

Voiceover: We've been fighting a long time.

Cut to a destroyed city


A soldier carrying a Nazi flag walks past a crumbling Kremlin, stepping on a portrait of Stalin.

Cut to people being herded by SS soldiers out of a town. Quick shot of a French flag hanging from one of the houses

Voiceover: For almost 20 years, we've held back the onslaught of the greatest evil mankind has ever known, against a madman who seeks to subjugate the entire world to his will.

Cut to French Resistance members armed with handguns charging the SS

Voiceover: But freedom has a strength that cannot be measured.

Cut to B-36s flying over Europe

Voiceover: This is Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower, and I have a message for the people of the Free World: It's our turn.

Cut to (Music)

Paratroopers landing, soldiers landing on beaches, tanks battling in fields.

Voiceover: I thought I knew our enemy. But things have changed. They're razing Western Europe. Trying to destroy everything between Normandy and Berlin.

Cut to Paris

SS troops burning shops, shooting civilians, setting up explosives.

Voiceover: And if we don't use every weapon at our disposal to stop them, there won't be a Europe left for us to save.

(Music: The day the whole world went away...)

Explosions go off all over Paris. Show a dramatic shot of explosions down the Champs Elysees culminating in the destruction of the Arc de Triomphe, then cut to a shot of explosions taking out the base of the Eiffel Tower, as it falls in slow motion.

Cut to (Music)

Bombers dropping napalm over forests. Allied soldiers charging into a ruined city.


Bombs dropping on New York and Washington, Hitler screaming into a microphone, Allied and Axis jets dogfighting in the skies over Europe


Indian soldiers in combat, Starving civilians rioting in the streets of Berlin, helicopters flying over the Rhine


Rapid cuts of more combat scenes and fleeing civilians. Dozens of mushroom clouds rise over Europe.

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Open with this music playing:

Cut to a map of the Atlantic Ocean, showing a glowing line moving on the same track as James Cook's second voyage.

Voiceover: The day had lasted for three long months.

Cut to some unidentified fishermen, washing up on the shores of Antarctica. He stretches out and looks at the horizon.

Voiceover: Winter would come in three more.

Cut to the interior of a small house, windows completely covered in snow. A pregnant woman is rocking back and forth on the ground as a fisherman from earlier paces back and forth, club in hand.

Cut to a village. A Yag priest cracks a child in the forehead with his cane. The child is obviously dead. He says something in a friendly voice, but in the Yag language.

Voiceover: Planning was important as ever before. The beginning was as rough as any.

Cut to the bustling metropolis of Tcho-Tcho.

People are quickly walking around, shouting, strange car-like machines are scooting on the ground. Nobody is alarmed. The scene looks reminiscent of Times Square.

A high-pitched scream drowns out the noise. All of the commuters start to walk a little bit faster, and everything is dead silent.

Voiceover: But soon, a vivid new culture developed.

Cut to a Zhu Icebreaker, dragging some unidentified things through the waves. As the scene zooms in, it becomes evident that they are children.

Cut to a banquet. Noblemen line up for blood transfusions from a child.

Cut to the enemies of the King in Yellow burning a totem. It explodes, killing them all.

Cut to some Ptarh nomads, making good headway on a rocky plateau.

Cut to the path on the map we saw earlier. The line hits the antarctic coast.

Voiceover: Luckily, it remained isolated for 37,772 years.

Cut to Tsalal streetwalkers in Cape Town, pubic bugs shining.

Voiceover: (Reading from James Cook's diary) After we were separated from our ship, we were taken upon a road of remarkable sturdiness, in great wheeled carts drawn by the most singular oxen you might imagine.

In form of body, the creature was somewhat reminiscent of an ox, or perhaps a bison, for it bore a curious hump as I have seen in drawings of the American animal. I did not have occasion to remark upon whether it wore hooves or whether they were cloven. It was covered in a gray mane of shaggy hair, reminiscent of the wildebeest.

What was astonishing about the creature was its head, which was singularly massive, in comparison to that of an oxen. The head featured, high up on its skull where one might imagine horns or ears to be two huge black eyes, the largest I have ever seen on an animal, visibly protruding. Small pointed ears were set further back and low, cones recognizable as ears only for their ceaseless twitching.

Cut to H.P. Lovecraft, climbing the Central Antarctic Glacier.

Voiceover: (Reading from James Cook's diary) The animal had no visible mouth, and I am at a loss as to how it procures sustenance. Instead, it appears to possess what I can only describe as moth's proboscis, or perhaps something akin the trunk of an elephant, but coiled tightly in a spiral beneath its head like a french horn. The animal wore an apparatus, keeping the spiral locked tightly in place, emphasizing the resemblance to a french horn. I can only assume that without the contraption, the animal would become ungovernable.

As the native name seems beyond our capacities of pronunciation, and as the creature resembles nothing more so much as a gigantic wingless moth, my companions have taken to dubbing these creatures 'moth beasts.'

Cut to Hunter S. Thompson, kissing a chupacabra.

Voiceover: (Reading from James Cook's diary) Since then, we have seen many more of the creature, including some varieties of such strangeness as to make our first sighting commonplace. I can think of one strange specimen, whose head and proboscis seemed almost as large as the rest of its body, moving about on spindly legs.

The people of this land see these creatures as utterly unremarkable, and treat with them as if they were horses or cattle.

Cut to children walking through a forest. People are impaled on every tree. Flies are buzzing and putrefaction is everywhere.

This winter

Board up the windows

It's gonna be a long, long night

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Here's a deal for youse:

For the beginning of this thread, for every trailer another person makes, I will make one.

Just making this. Not my TL and you guys should go read it.

The Sound of Marching Feet

Angry Hitler Speech Snippets

Voice over - What If The Soviets had Struck First? Could the Germans and it's Allies that nobody expected repulse the Red Tide? Will Fascism or Communism rule Europe?

Cut to Speeches of France and England declaring war on Germany

Voice over - But Freedom still Fights and will try to Bring Liberty to all people

Shows Quick flashes of First German soldiers fighting in Warsaw and tearing down the polish flag to replace it with the Swastika.

Then Tanks fighting some with German crosses and the opposing Red stars

Then a massive air fight with the Maginot line below

Rushing Soldiers in Sweden fighting and tearing down the British and French flags and replacing them with the Swedish flag and the Swastika

Jewish civilians armed with guns fighting off SS Troops in a ruined Ghetto

Then the Turkish diplomat to Britain reading out a declaration of war

This will be the Greatest war in History
Scrolls across a Flaming Swastika and Soviet Flag.
Coming Attractions

We don't like dictators in Muskogee;
We don't beat down folk who disagree
We don't lynch black people down on Main Street;
We like livin' right, and bein' free.

(WE SEE: A line of troops. They are white. They are black. They are red. They are united along a prairieland. The place: The Sequoyah Country of Oklahoma. The year: 1958. A different 1958.)

(WE DISSOLVE TO: A black man in glasses speaking to a legislature. Speaking truth to the powerful of his nation. The place: The National Unicameral of the Great Plains United Republic. The year: 1955)

Are we willing to walk freedom's road?

Or will we hesitate? Will we ignore? Will we withdraw claiming we make no choice, while realizing that inaction is a choice?"

PRESIDENT HAROLD STASSEN: The die is cast, General. The road is set to be paved.

GENERAL DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER: Sir, we shall pave every mile. I pray it doesn't lead to hell.





"Goddamn Injuns helping the Nigras!"

STROM THURMOND: Mister President, surely you see the lack of reason in quarreling among white men over an internal matter of our nigras

HAROLD STASSEN: In my country, human rights is a matter of world import, sir. And our position is clear. We shall aid those escaping the pogroms

THOMAS DEWEY: Harold, you realize whom you anger? Does North America need this bloodshed again?

STASSEN: Mr. Dewey. North America must choose. Freedom or tyranny? My nation has made it's choice.

"President Stassen if you believe that you or that bespectacled darkie in Omaha can dictate to free white men the course of their sovereign destiny, then you can go to hell!"

(WE SEE: Paratroopers)



"My fellow citizens of the GPUR, we are under attack. The tyrannical regime in Richmond has chosen violence to reason.

For the second time in a century, tyranny and slavery have chosen a path of war on this continent. Just as we did in 1865, we shall do again.

The freedom of the children of Almighty God shall win the day!"

(WE SEE A BATTLEFIELD -- Oklahoma, 1957)


"Damn Injuns! SURRENDER!"



PLANISIAN ARMY CLERK: You boys know this ain't no football, right?

HARLIN HILL: Damn right it ain't. It's bigger than that!"

-- Battles on the land and the air --

-- Bombers over St. Louis Chaos --

WALTER CRONKITE: Confederate Bombers dropping payload over St. Louis..

(WE SEE: An F-88 Voodoo aiming at a bomber!!!)


(The missile reached the bomber and destroyed it..)


"Sitting Bulls Flying Scouts are avengers of the skies against the menace from the Confederates!"

(WE SEE -- Black men lining up at a refugee center in Kansas City)

"You men are not citizens of the GPUR..."

REFUGEE: This be our home now! We'll fight for it!"


--- More scenes of battle --

CALIFORNIA PRESIDENT PAT BROWN: The Plainsians have bravely fought the battles, and where are we Samuel?"

TEXAS PRESIDENT SAM RAYBURN: Where we damn well shouldn't be."

-- More scenes of battle --

-- Harlin Hill rushing a gun emplacement --


(WE SEE: Cross swords and crossed waving flags..)

(haunting) We like livin' right, and bein' free...

The Brave And Wagon: The Story of the Mid-North American War
(The prequel to the Catherverse saga of a different North America -- Fall 2014)
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Teaser Trailer

Archive tape of Richard Nixon's departing into a helicopter with that ionic pose. The sound is muted and uplifting patriotic music plays.

VO: Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United States. A controversial figure if there ever was one. He shook the idea of the power of the Presidency.

The tape freezes, Nixon grining, as the film starts to blur.

VO: But was if...

The scene cuts to black and music stops. Then sound of the squeal of brakes and something heavy being hit.

VO: He never reached it?

Scene cuts to a funeral, with many political figures there. An open coffin lies at the head of the church, the camera pulling up till we see the face of Nixon. Orchestral music begins to play quietly.

VO: One has to ask...

The scene cuts to a riot in a city of a truly fascinating proportion. National Guard battles with Black Panthers. Music builds.

VO: If the actions of one man...

A bullet whizzes past the screen, as the scene changes to Moscow where the Soviet Army is battling KGB units in Red Square. Music builds to a epic climb.

VO: Can make a difference...

Blood from a gunshot covers the screen to zoom out to the red of the PRC flag over Beijing as a missile arcs across the before detonating in a nuclear explosion that engulfs the city. Music reaches crescendo before halting to silence.

VO: To the world as we know it?

As the glare fades we find the screen to be an apparent peaceful look of space with the sun gleaming of metal. Camera tilts to show the metal belongs to a satellite pointing down at scarred Middle East. There a hiss of air and then something fires out of the satellite streaking down toward Iran. Even from here we see the explosion in the North of the country.

Title: Icarus Falls

Cut to the beer hall putsch

Adolf Hitler is lying on a table, dying of gunshot wounds. He speaks to the doctor attending him.

HITLER: It is vital that these words see print. The destiny of Germany depends upon them.

Cut to the end of the beer hall putsch

Police finally break into the hall, and pull out the Nazi leadership. Many of them are twisting in captivity and yelling or swearing into the air.

Cut to a trial

The man being tried, visibly Rudolf Hess, cries out as he is escorted from the stand.

Another man comes to his place. This man speaks rarely and merely nods or shakes his head to most questions, answering with a simple, muted, Ja or Nein.

JUDGE: Five years Festungshaft for you.

The man is escorted away.

Cut to a meeting room. Nazi symbols are prominently displayed on the walls. The man from before is reading from a sheet of paper.

WEBER: Of course, our primary goal has always been the end of Bolshevism as propagated by the Russian devils. Were they to have their way, they would destroy every class and every culture and plant Soviets in every nation between them and the Atlantic Ocean. The victory over Bolshevism will be achieved by the destruction of Russia. However, we must consider the longer historical legacy of the Greater Germanic Reich, and the conversion of the Slav-dominated lands into Germanic ones.

Cut to the same man behind a podium, reading from a sheet of paper. His facial expression is identical.

WEBER: When we train an animal we speak to it in human tongue and treat it as though it was human – to reasonable extents. We use words as our first recourse and violence as our last. Convince an animal it is human and it will follow our commands to the death. The Slavic peoples will never make achievement and their lands will never prosper without the firm hand of the Germanic people at their leash. As we train our hounds and our bullocks and our horses, so too must they be trained to accept their servitude.

Cut to the same man, pacing back and forth, addressing a group of German police officers during a snowstorm, reading from a sheet of paper.

WEBER: Why should we fear being outnumbered by animals? So long as they are fed and the pens are locked, the farmer does not live in fear of being outnumbered. We do not live in a fantasy world where the bullock, tired of pulling the plough, takes up arms against the farmhand, or where the chickens smash their eggs against the wall to stop the farmer from collecting them.

Fade to black

Sounds of speech in Russian are heard. They are silenced by an order barked in German.

Coming Soon

Weber's Germany: The Veterinarian Totalitarian

One man

Had some spare time

He was bored of editing Axis of Andes

He couldn't think of new things for Green Antarctica

So he watched a movie

Clips from Moontrap flash across the screen

DVALDRON: So that's Moontrap, a flick whose ambitions far exceeded its budget, but its a pretty tolerable b-movie actioner. I'm quite fond of it. But what can we discern about Moontrap's world?

Cut to huge ships flying through outer space

DVALDRON: Well, on the surface, its much the same as ours. Its got strip clubs and everything. NASA seems a bit more underfunded, but there you go. But where things get interesting is the deep history. It seems that in the Moontrap World, 15,000 years ago, Humanity got quite a lot further. We had a major base on the moon, and we were building interplanetary, perhaps interstellar space ships the size of ocean liners.

Cut to shots of the Kalium War, maps of the galactic forbidden zone

DVALDRON: In the end, all that was left were a collection of shaggy hunter gatherers on earth, poking about in the ruins of their once mighty civilization, and a handful of Kalium robots trapped on the moon with no way to get off. Interesting, eh. Actually, we've seen traces of that vanished ancient civilization in a few other movies.

Cut to Space Marines battling Alien-movie-ish creatures


Cut to Greys battling the Kalium


Cut to a fight between two American junker gangs in the Nevada desert, 1990


Cut to wars being fought between android warriors


The Moontrap Timeline

Coming 2014
I'll try for one of my own.

Upon seeing this thread, I immediately thought about one of my own stories, "La Tierra Afortunada", and how that might play out(Warning: slight spoilers may be ahead).

Steve's Alternity Productions
Proudly Presents To The Audience
La Tierra Afortunada!
An In-Depth and Fascinating Look At An Alternate Universe Mexico That Could Have Been

The camera starts out with just a plain black background.

Narrator: Mexico. A land of natural beauty. A land of splendor. A land with a fascinating syncretic culture that blends both Western European and Indigenous North American features. A land steeped in history.

(Footage of various media is playing; people eating, dancing, etc., and natural scenes.)

But in our world, there has also been a very tragic side to Mexico's history.

(TV color bars, then fade to black again, accompanied by a gunshot.)

From the misrule of dictators.....

(An actor reads off some OTL quotes from Porfirio Diaz as his picture appears on screen. Santa Anna's picture comes next and some of his own quotes are read by a different actor.)

....and then decades of corruption....

(A few clips of protests and media inquiries are played on screen, with English translations accompanying them)

....and repression....

(Footage of the 1968 student protests can be seen, including some from the Tlatelolco Massacre.)

....from many years of near constant economic hardship....

(Real clips of media footage, particularly discussing the 1982 and 1994 recessions are played, amongst others, for a full 90 seconds) the tragic failures of the War on Drugs and the terrors of widespread organized crime....

(During the narration, a subtitle warns, "Some of the following content in this portion may not be suitable for some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised" Clips of gun battles, some as part of news broadcasts, are shown on screen, including some of a rather graphic nature.)

....Mexico is just one of those countries that just can't catch a break....

(We then see clips of everyday life, but showing that of the poverty, the squalor, etc.)

....but it really, truly, didn't have to be that way.

(Some of the previous clips are played in reverse, as if one was rewinding a videotape. And then the screen fades to black.)

What you are about to watch, is a story that explores "What If...."?

("What If....?" is displayed in white on the screen.)

"What if Mexico had gotten some good luck for once?"

(The words appear, again in white.)

"What if Mexico had a chance to be part of the world stage...."

(A scene unfolds of Mexico City, and a President speaking, "I have a dream. We all have a dream....," to an attentive crowd. Another scene shows a meeting between an American and a Russian delegation, also set in Mexico City.)

"....and even more...."

(A woman speaks before an international panel in Tijuana, Baja California in April, 1979, as indicated by the subtitles. The banner above her head reads, "U.N. Convention on the Advancement of Human Rights, 1979.")

"What if Mexico could prove to the world, that it could also succeed, like the nations of Europe and Anglo America?"

(The Mexican flag appears)

"Whether in industry....."

(A shot of factories in Mexico City. Then, an automobile plant is shown, with workers actively piecing car parts together.)

"Or technology...."

(In one shot, fancy-looking computers are put together in a workshop in Sonora. Another brief clip, this one a mock news broadcast discusses the latest model of a *smartphone made by a company based in Mexico City. Yet another mock news broadcast cooperation between an American and a Mexican company for a revolutionary new Internet-related technology.)

"....Healthcare and human development...."

(A mock documentary clip discusses a world-class hospital in a town just outside of Mexico City; think of Cleveland Clinic as an OTL example. A scene of a smiling and waving toddler can be seen.)

"And so much more...."

(A shot of a U.S. president shaking hands with Mexico's president. Immigrants of all sorts from all over the world are accepted as citizens in another clip. And then various other clips are played, faster and faster, until a test pattern shows.)

"Yes. It could have happened. So journey with us, as we explore this alternate Mexico that could have been, this Land of Good Fortune, a land of opprotunity, and a land of promise. La Tierra Afortunada."

(The title, is displayed, and the words Coming Soon are displayed in alternating red, white, and green letters on a blue screen. A silver outline box surrounds them, and below that, says, a "Steve's Alternity Productions" feature, in all white this time.)

A battalion of tanks rolls over a nondescript desert. In the distance, shots are heard. Slowly zoom in to the face of a tank commander. The commander, red bandanna tied around his head and khaki uniform pressed neatly, shouts an order in Pharsi off the camera.

Five years earlier

Cut to the Basrah

The same commander, with the same red bandanna around his head, is dressed in a torn-up green tunic and makeshift uniform. He fires an AK47 at the advancing and well-armed Iraqi ranks. After incurring a few casualties, he picks up the snappy cap of a fallen Iraqi lieutenant and puts it on his head. His eyes gleam with joy.

Cut to Baghdad

Iranian soldiers pull down the statue of Saddam Hussein in Central Square.

Cut to United Nations General Assembly

IRANIAN DIPLOMAT: Furthermore, we demand annexation of the former godless state known as Iraq, or, as has been stated, we will, in one year's time, again declare war.


To Riches

To Conquest

The islamic Call to Prayer begins to play.

Cut to an Iranian soldier, clad in full anti-chemical gear, firing an AK47 into a crowd of charging enemies.

As the scene zooms out, the audience becomes aware that he is standing on a huge pile of corpses.


Coming Soon to

EDIT: I'm working on making this one. Hang tight.
This trailer has been somewhat exaggerated for the full Hollywood effect:

Footage of Nixon's "Last" Press Conference

Nixon: You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore.

Cut to a squeal of tires on a residential street. The camera slowly pans over the body, revealing Nixon's face.


Shot of Reagan/Wallace campaign rally.


Reagan in the Oval Office: "We need to pass this bill now, and restore order to our country!"


White House Situation Room, gov't official: "The Russians just launched. They're headed for China."


Reagan, Rose Garden: "I hereby resign the Office of the President."


Helms to Rhodes, Oval Office: "See what's happened! We almost had a war with England! You have to take the fall!"


Bush, press conference: "... the Cold War is over. We must fight a more insidious threat."

(cut to Otto Skorzeny, laughing to himself)


(Mecca being nuked)


Richard Nixon falling to the pavement, interspersed with cuts of a nuclear test



An Egyptian family, silently watching a wall of water rush towards them



Scene opens, watching a helicopter over Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong, China.

Six white men, dressed in urban camouflage, quick-rope down from an Alouette III helicopter. One is an obvious grenadier, carrying an M79 grenade launcher. Another totes a sawn-off Browning Automatic Rifle, two carry shotguns, and two carry rifles.

The men disperse around the rooftop.

SHOTGUNNER 1: (Into walkie-talkie) Where's the outpost, mate? command said we should bloody SEE the bastards from here!

RIFLEMAN 1 stands up and is shot several times by a garrison on a nearby roof. This shows the team where the Hong Kongers are. They do not bother to check if their buddy is alive.


The group clamber down to a lower level of the city. Walking along balconies connected by scrap metal, they come across a little cantonese girl. She looks at them with terror.

MACHINE GUNNER: Well, that's what we get. Goddamn tunnel rats.

RIFLEMAN 2 tries to shoot the child, and misses. She runs into a nearby shop.

A CANTONESE MAN wearing an Ushanka leaves the store, shoots SHOTGUNNER 1 in the head with a pistol, and runs down a flight of makeshift stairs.


RIFLEMAN 2: Oh lord, we're going to shit! We should go back!

MACHINE GUNNER: Too late. Check the buildings.

SHOTGUNNER 2 and GRENADIER split to check the doors on the other side of the level. On both sides of the "street" we see the armed men going in and out of houses. Gunshots, screams, and speech in Chinese is heard.

Our heroes descend once again, reaching a place where they can move freely from side to side of the road. A group of axe-wielding cantonese appear from behind the crew. MACHINE GUNNER shoots them all, but not before RIFLEMAN 2 takes a chopper to the back.


SHOTGUNNER 2: Well, we're nearly done for.

MACHINE GUNNER: Well, we're nearly done. Get the damn target, or you don't get the damn crown.

MACHINE GUNNER instinctively fires around a corner in the "road". He looks to see a dead communist in the alley. Thinking it is safe, he walks in the alley and is shot by a sniper.


SHOTGUNNER 2 barks an order to GRENADIER, but we can't hear it above the music.

Both of them remaining make it to a lower level by quick-rope through a gate. Now on what resembles the ground, they take two different paths to try and find the objective.

A scream is heard above the music.


GRENADIER turns a corner and sees a van. Looking in the window, his eyes open. He fires a single shot, and turns to leave. Cantonese men in masks, holding machetes and axes, come out of hiding near him. He is surrounded, and lifts his weapon over his head while smirking.

AN AMBULANCE is heard running in the distance as the music fades out.



Opening with stock footage of Nazi rallies and military parades in grainy black-and-white film, set to old music. Eventually segues into footage of Hitler giving a speech

Voiceover: Adolf Hitler.

Voiceover: The most powerful man in Europe.

Fade into aerial view of mountains, in colour this time.

Voiceover: Is about to meet his fate.

Music fades out. Cut to Hitler alone, walking through the woods. He stops by a mountain goat, looking up at him from its perch on a rock.

Hitler: Oh, eine Bergziege! Hallo, meine kleine Bergziege Freund!

Slow-motion shot as the goat charges, butting Hitler in the chest. He clutches it, staggering back and collapsing as the shot goes dark.

Fade into blaring sirens before the scene fades back in with a POV shot of Hitler on a stretcher, being raced down a hospital hallway.

Voice, in a ridiculous fake German accent: We're losing him!

Other Voice, in a ridiculous fake German accent: He's dead!

Cut to black for a moment before a montage of other scenes. Newspapers flashing by, reading "HITLER DEAD". Shots from a newsreel proclaiming Hitler's death. Firefight in a burning city at night. German tanks chase down frightened goats through the countryside. Allied soldiers celebrate.

Smash cut to black.

Voiceover: What if everything you knew about history...changed in a flash?

Cut to Himmler sitting at Göring's desk. Göring is slamming his hands into the tabletop, screaming at him.

Göring: Your job was to protect the Führer! And you let him get killed by a goat? A goat?!

Smash cut to black, then to the title card:

Hitler Killed by Mountain Goat at Berghof

Coming Soon

Cut to black. A faint goat bleat is heard.
Opening with stock footage of Nazi rallies and military parades in grainy black-and-white film, set to old music. Eventually segues into footage of Hitler giving a speech

Voiceover: Adolf Hitler.

Voiceover: The most powerful man in Europe.

Fade into aerial view of mountains, in colour this time.

Voiceover: Is about to meet his fate.

Music fades out. Cut to Hitler alone, walking through the woods. He stops by a mountain goat, looking up at him from its perch on a rock.

Hitler: Oh, eine Bergziege! Hallo, meine kleine Bergziege Freund!

Slow-motion shot as the goat charges, butting Hitler in the chest. He clutches it, staggering back and collapsing as the shot goes dark.

Fade into blaring sirens before the scene fades back in with a POV shot of Hitler on a stretcher, being raced down a hospital hallway.

Voice, in a ridiculous fake German accent: We're losing him!

Other Voice, in a ridiculous fake German accent: He's dead!

Cut to black for a moment before a montage of other scenes. Newspapers flashing by, reading "HITLER DEAD". Shots from a newsreel proclaiming Hitler's death. Firefight in a burning city at night. German tanks chase down frightened goats through the countryside. Allied soldiers celebrate.

Smash cut to black.

Voiceover: What if everything you knew about history...changed in a flash?

Cut to Himmler sitting at Göring's desk. Göring is slamming his hands into the tabletop, screaming at him.

Göring: Your job was to protect the Führer! And you let him get killed by a goat? A goat?!

Smash cut to black, then to the title card:

Hitler Killed by Mountain Goat at Berghof

Coming Soon

Cut to black. A faint goat bleat is heard.

I love this. :D
We open with a Civil War camp in the morning.

York/James Peninsula, Virginia, May, 1862.

General McClellan comes out of his tent.

McClellan lost this fight.

General McClellan gets on his horse and starts riding.

But What If...

Horse rears back and General McClellan falls on a fence.

he were out of the way.

Fades to Black:

[The Union Forever starts playing.]

In fancy script:


Coming this fall.
are we allowed to make trailers for TLs we only have ideas about?

(so it would be a real teaser! :D:D)


Whatif the most troubled presidential election in American history (2000)...

...had happened years earlier...

...during the most troubled area in recent American history, that is, the early 70's ?

Double trouble...

watch America and the world goes to hell, one step at a time...
(shots of people convulsing on the metro, dated July 4, 1976)
(shot of a mushroom cloud over Lop Nur China, 1979)


George Wallace
Richard Nixon
James McKeithen
Ronald Reagan
Spiro Agnew
Donald Rumsfeld !

Fear Loathing and Gumbo
Rumsfeldia - fear and loathing in a decade of tears


We open with an anonymous, cavernous storage room, Downey, California
Date: September 26, 1988

Shot of people with search lights pulling sheets of plastics and foam

All of sudden the sheets fall, unmasking a familiar shape (for us OTL, not for the ATL guys)

The shape of a space shuttle orbiter !

Muffled exclamations (look this cavernous payload bay! It could launch a railroad car into orbit !)

Except it is only a plastic full size mockup, long forgotten by Rockwell, gathering dust...

In 1972 we were promised a revolution
Access to space would be too cheap to meter
(brief silence)
We all know how it ended
(shot of STS-51L horrific Y-shaped cloud; of STS-107 shooting star pinned on Texas dark blue sky)
The dark blue fade to black as Coldplay Whatif starts to play

It could bend, or it could break
That's the risk that you take

back to ATL - shot of Tom Paine and George Mueller explaining fate of the ATL space shuttle
(the bureaucrats strangled it in infancy... it's a shame!)

Ad then... shot of the sun rising over Earth blue orb
Tchaikovsky "the nutcracker - Katchei speels are broken" starts playing

Shot of Vice President John Glenn standing near the Vehicle Assembly building, July 21, 1979
Clip (with the pace accelerating with The Nutcracker booming in the background)
Saturn IB, Saturn V and Titan III rocket liftoff, Agena flying above Earth, Skylab look-alike modules gathering around an even larger 33ft wide space station core, shot of an even bigger Soviet sace station with an articifical gravity treadmill and nuclear reactor, picture of a N-1 rocket, shot of a very young Robert Zubrin shaking hand with Carl Sagan)

Someday on


What might have been had the shuttle never existed in the first place...