A France Reborn


24 April

Near the town of Puebla, Mexico

General Lorencez of the Imperial French Army was overjoyed. His army was nearing Mexico City. All that stood before them was the city of Puebla. In his military, a colonel asked, “General, what is our plan?” “Well, colonel, the plan is that we go toward Puebla from the south. The pesky republican Mexican force cannot do anything about it. Their forces are too weak to do anything.” “General, that would be suicide. Those tactics could very well lead to our downfall.” “Oh, no, Colonel, this is the only way we can win.” “No, general. It is not. If we do what you are telling us to do, we would go up mountains and down valleys. We would be exhausted and we would have finally reached our match.” “Lies. You are dismissed.”

After quite a bit of thinking, Lorencez decided to revise his plan to put this into account. The world was forever changed as a result.

5 May

Lorencez was leading his forces towards Puebla. He knew that, when he takes Puebla, he will have virtually taken Mexico City. “General, sir,” said the same colonel who convinced Lorencez to change his plan. “Calm down, Colonel. What is it?” “I have heard that you have altered your plan. What is it?” Well, colonel, I plan to send my troops toward Puebla from the north, where land is flat. That way, we can attack the Republicans easily. Vive l’empereur!”

“This way, to the Mexican fortress,” said Lorencez. The French forces were confident. As was their right, of course. They were facing nothing more than weak broken Mexicans. Then, artillery fired. “Ah, the outdated artillery of the Mexicans. I bet they used the same guns when the United States crushed them,” said a marksman. The other soldiers chuckled. “The US is in ruin, though. The rebellion appears to be ruining the nation. I think the slaver side will win,” said an infantrier.

Soon, the artillery intensified. “We must return the favour,” said Lorencez. “Attack them.” The French rapidly moved forward toward the Mexican fortress. A hole in the stone was quickly found and the French were able to infiltrate the fort. It was already in ruins. “Oh dear, it appears that this will be a slaughterhouse,” said Lorencez. However, after a few minutes, General Zapatista surrendered.

27 May

Near Mexico City, Mexico

Lorencez was nearing Mexico City. Victory was imminent. His forces had met up with Mexican Imperial forces. The weak puppet “emperor” of Mexico, Maximilian, was giving his most sincere thanks to Lorencez: “General Lorencez, you are the saviour of Mexico. You have saved us in the name of the Empire. To this, I say thank you, oh great hero of Mexi-.” Just then, they heard Mexican republican artillery. “I guess my gratitude will have to wait. The Battle of Mexico City has begun.”

The guns of the Mexicans were outdated, from the time of the Mexican-American War. And even then, those weapons were bad and not very useful. However, President Juarez had a plan. This plan, while it could destroy Mexican City, could lead to the survival of the Republic.

French soldiers found Republican soldiers using destroyed buildings and other structures as a way to prevent them from getting through. “Unleash the big guns,” said Lorencez. French cannons were unleashed and destroyed almost an entire streets’ worth of buildings. Following this utter destruction of the street, they went up the street and were nearing the parliament, where they could finally capture President Juarez.

“I, President Juarez of the Mexican Republic, surrender to the forces of Emperor Napoleon III of the French and to Emperor Maximilian of the Empire of Mexico,” said a tall man who was walking out of the parliament. And so ended the Franco-Mexican War.
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24 April

Near the town of Puebla, Mexico

General Lorencez of the Grand Armée was overjoyed. His army was nearing Mexico City. All that stood before them was the city of Puebla. In his military, a colonel asked, “General, what is our plan?” “Well, colonel, the plan is that we go toward Puebla from the south. The pesky republican Mexican force cannot do anything about it. Their forces are too weak to do anything.” “General, that would be suicide. Those tactics could very well lead to our downfall.” “Oh, no, Colonel, this is the only way we can win.” “No, general. It is not. If we do what you are telling us to do, we would go up mountains and down valleys. We would be exhausted and we would have finally reached our match.” “Lies. You are dismissed.”

After quite a bit of thinking, Lorencez decided to revise his plan to put this into account. The world was forever changed as a result.

5 May

Lorencez was leading his forces towards Puebla. He knew that, when he takes Puebla, he will have virtually taken Mexico City. “General, sir,” said the same colonel who convinced Lorencez to change his plan. “Calm down, Colonel. What is it?” “I have heard that you have altered your plan. What is it?” Well, colonel, I plan to send my troops toward Puebla from the north, where land is flat. That way, we can attack the Republicans easily. Vive l’empereur!”

“This way, to the Mexican fortress,” said Lorencez. The French forces were confident. As was their right, of course. They were facing nothing more than weak broken Mexicans. Then, artillery fired. “Ah, the outdated artillery of the Mexicans. I bet they used the same guns when the United States crushed them,” said a marksman. The other soldiers chuckled. “The US is in ruin, though. The rebellion appears to be ruining the nation. I think the slaver side will win,” said an infantrier.

Soon, the artillery intensified. “We must return the favour,” said Lorencez. “Attack them.” The French rapidly moved forward toward the Mexican fortress. A hole in the stone was quickly found and the French were able to infiltrate the fort. It was already in ruins. “Oh dear, it appears that this will be a slaughterhouse,” said Lorencez. However, after a few minutes, General Zapatista surrendered.

27 May

Near Mexico City, Mexico

Lorencez was nearing Mexico City. Victory was imminent. His forces had met up with Mexican Imperial forces. The weak puppet “emperor” of Mexico, Maximilian, was giving his most sincere thanks to Lorencez: “General Lorencez, you are the saviour of Mexico. You have saved us in the name of the Empire. To this, I say thank you, oh great hero of Mexi-.” Just then, they heard Mexican republican artillery. “I guess my gratitude will have to wait. The Battle of Mexico City has begun.”

The guns of the Mexicans were outdated, from the time of the Mexican-American War. And even then, those weapons were bad and not very useful. However, President Juarez had a plan. This plan, while it could destroy Mexican City, could lead to the survival of the Republic.

French soldiers found Republican soldiers using destroyed buildings and other structures as a way to prevent them from getting through. “Unleash the big guns,” said Lorencez. French cannons were unleashed and destroyed almost an entire streets’ worth of buildings. Following this utter destruction of the street, they went up the street and were nearing the parliament, where they could finally capture President Juarez.

“I, President Juarez of the Mexican Republic, surrender to the forces of Emperor Napoleon III of the French and to Emperor Maximilian of the Empire of Mexico,” said a tall man who was walking out of the parliament. And so ended the Franco-Mexican War.

Interesting. You mentioned Lorencez was a general of the Grand Armee. Correct me if I'm wrong- I'm not an expert on the latter half of the 19th century, but I believe that the only Grand Armee to ever exist was Napoleon I's army in the early 1800's that was used for the invasion of Russia. I don't believe Napoleon III referred to his troops as the Grand Armee.

Nevertheless, interesting timeline.

Interesting. You mentioned Lorencez was a general of the Grand Armee. Correct me if I'm wrong- I'm not an expert on the latter half of the 19th century, but I believe that the only Grand Armee to ever exist was Napoleon I's army in the early 1800's that was used for the invasion of Russia. I don't believe Napoleon III referred to his troops as the Grand Armee.

Nevertheless, interesting timeline.

Thanks for the reply. I have just fixed that error.