WI: Napoleon Supported A Pro-French Figure In Egypt Rather Rhan Trying To Rule It

If Napoleon tried to establish a pro-French regime rather than trying to directly rule over it how would it affect things? Could he pursuade Egyptians to fight for their real independence from the Ottomans?
The French did not seem to really think of parleying with the Mamluks, though apparently after the fighting was said and mostly done one of thr Beys did agree to go to Cairo but he died of Plague on the way but it was in 1800.
If Napoleon tried to establish a pro-French regime rather than trying to directly rule over it how would it affect things? Could he pursuade Egyptians to fight for their real independence from the Ottomans?

The command of the army then devolved on General Jacques-François de Menou, baron of Boussay, (known in Eygpt as Abdallah de Menou), a man who had professed Islam, and who endeavoured to conciliate the Muslim population by various measures—such as excluding all Christians (with the exception of one Frenchman) from the divan, replacing Copts who were in government service with Muslims, and subjecting French residents to taxes.

However his popularity was counteracted by his declaration of a French protectorate over Egypt, which was to count as a French colony.

So if we have Egypt keeping its independence (even if just by "de jure") we could see, the French Empire have a hold in the Middle East, weakening the Ottoman Empire.
If Napoleon tried to establish a pro-French regime rather than trying to directly rule over it how would it affect things? Could he pursuade Egyptians to fight for their real independence from the Ottomans?

I'm afraid that you are rather overestimating Boney's willingness to play with others. He was convinced that he was always the best man to be in charge.
The command of the army then devolved on General Jacques-François de Menou, baron of Boussay, (known in Eygpt as Abdallah de Menou), a man who had professed Islam, and who endeavoured to conciliate the Muslim population by various measures—such as excluding all Christians (with the exception of one Frenchman) from the divan, replacing Copts who were in government service with Muslims, and subjecting French residents to taxes.

However his popularity was counteracted by his declaration of a French protectorate over Egypt, which was to count as a French colony.

So if we have Egypt keeping its independence (even if just by "de jure") we could see, the French Empire have a hold in the Middle East, weakening the Ottoman Empire.

Oh man what if he pulled a Bernadotte?!?


Except the Swedes (more or less) asked Bernadotte

Oh man what if he pulled a Bernadotte?!?

Except the Swedes (more or less) asked Bernadotte, since the alternative might have been the French imposing someone; the Egyptians didn't ask for Menou, anymore than the Mexicans (really) asked for Maximillian, and the French (certainly after Aboukir/Nile) were not in a position to impose someone on Egypt.

I'm afraid that you are rather overestimating Boney's willingness to play with others. He was convinced that he was always the best man to be in charge.
Except that Napoleon was not in charge yet during the egyptian campaign but he was under the directorate.
Right but what if Menou did enough as an administrator to win popular support

Edit: after doing some research, it seems like he wasn't effective enough a ruler to be able to do that, even if France was able to hold on to Egypt for longer


Yeah, trying to make nice "after" the conqest was

Right but what if Menou did enough as an administrator to win popular support

Edit: after doing some research, it seems like he wasn't effective enough a ruler to be able to do that, even if France was able to hold on to Egypt for longer

Yeah, trying to make nice "after" the conqest was a little late.
