Margaret Thatcher retains full mental faculties until her death?

How does the influence of a still politically-active and vocally opinionated Lady Thatcher influence British (and world) politics in the years between 2002 and 2013? Assume she dies roughly on schedule, but that this time her death is a complete surprise, as she's hitherto been a very robust and healthy woman for her advanced years.
Maybe I should ask what are you expecting her to do? If we're assuming no butterflies up to 2002, then there's not going to be a Euro referendum after that, so I can't see her taking any kind of profile or being particularly vocal, anymore than she really did after she had a go at John M from the early/mid nineties.

You thinking about her taking a stand for DD in 2005? Not going to happen. She only did (belatedly) in 1997 and 2001 because of the Ken Clarke factor.

She definitely wasn't physically robust in the last five years or so of her life, btw, far from it sadly.
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