Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

Take is easy! Remember this is a hobby and noone ( including you yourself) has any right to make you feel guilty for not updating!
Sorry, had an accident last Saturday, had operation on Wednesday to fix shoulder, so typing with left hand only. Not sure exactly recovery timetable. I have something written, but might leave it for a bit until I'm happier with it.
Give us permission to talk about food and weapon calibres, and we'll wait however long it takes you to make a fully effective recovery. :D
Best wishes, and maybe post a couple of sentences once a week to keep us updated, please, about how the shoulder is mending, if you feel like it. :)
Sorry, had an accident last Saturday, had operation on Wednesday to fix shoulder, so typing with left hand only. Not sure exactly recovery timetable. I have something written, but might leave it for a bit until I'm happier with it.
Sorry to hear about the accident, glad to hear you're on the mend.
Hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Sorry, had an accident last Saturday, had operation on Wednesday to fix shoulder, so typing with left hand only. Not sure exactly recovery timetable. I have something written, but might leave it for a bit until I'm happier with it.
Set up a buymeacoffee/ko-fi

I'm sure a lot of us will chuck you the equivalent to a bottle of calpol/pint of bitter to help ease your suffering and get you writing again!
Sorry, had an accident last Saturday, had operation on Wednesday to fix shoulder, so typing with left hand only. Not sure exactly recovery timetable. I have something written, but might leave it for a bit until I'm happier with it.
Well if you feel that's an acceptable excuse for the delay in entertaining us I suppose we will just have to wait.....
Get well soon, however I’ve learned from experience that the time you think it should take to heal stays the same whilst your body says your not as young as you used to be, so double it and add some and you won’t be disappointed
A question for the forum whilst Allan heals. It seems a major strategic decision / difference may be hte deployment of Western Allies trhough Iran into the USSR. OTL Stalintotally opposed deployments in the USSR , and he showed to his addoring fans that he was in control. Here , he may have little choice if it really comes to Oil vs Capitalist troops. Easy to forget that Allies troops fought after WW! in Russia agaist the Red Army , or at least securing the crumblng parts of White Russia. ( and hats off to the Czech Legion and their insane escape east - 55,000 out of 60,000 makig it - why has no one made a film of that?) . That was only 20 years prior and Soviets are going to be wary of Capitalist troops on thier soil. Will UncleJoe allow it? Can he survice politically if he does? Or militarliy if he doesn't?
sorry to double post. A thought. We know he probably will. But in '42 , USSR doesn't know or see the inherent weakness and "topping out: of the German war machine. He's goinb to be pretty desperate if that southern oil gets cut off for even a few months.