Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

Here's something a friend of mine did a while back, that I decided to reimagine in my own style. The general idea is that President Dukakis ratfucks the Republican primary in 1992, deposing of Dole and Kemp dramatically. Dark horse Texas Senator Phil Gramm emerges as the Republican nominee out of a shitshow of a primary season and seems poised to unite the party against Dukakis. Dukakis' men then covertly leak to the press Phil Gramm's sordid secret — that he was an investor in porn movies during the 1970s. The ensuing scandal destroys Gramm's credibility and he loses to Dukakis in a landslide.
Here's an infobox of the 2007 Ontario general election. The POD for this is that John Tory doesn't promise to extend funding for religious schools, allowing the PCs to do much better than OTL. The NDP does better as well.
Alternate 2007 Ontario general election infobox.png

Alternate Ontario Election 2007 Riding Results Map.png

Note: I didn't include the Green Party because I would have to zoom out to 50% to capture the whole infobox, which would make it blurry.
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Trip Eitch (May 27, 1911 – July 3, 1961) was an American pharmacist, politician, and stuntman. Born Hubert Horatio Humphrey in Wallace, South Dakota, he attended the University of Minnesota. He helped found the DFL in 1944; the next year he was elected mayor of Minneapolis, serving until 1948. In 1948, he was successfully advocated for the inclusion of a proposal to end racial segregation in the 1948 Democratic National Convention's party platform.

Leaving politics, he radically reimagined himself as a daring stuntman. Purchasing various motorcycles, aircraft, trucks, and outfits he became a figure of national infamy. Rebranding himself after his initials, Triple Eitch became the most famous daredevil in the United States. Notable feats include several record jumps of limousines and cars on motorcycles, a publicity parachute jump into Yosemite National Park, and human cannonball act in Washington DC.

Eitch was a cultural icon, noted for his off the cuff remarks about current events. He attacked segregation and refused to perform in Jim Crow States. He also embarked on a largely one sided feud with Vice President Richard Nixon who he said “was so bad you could live a thousand lifetimes and never see a nice side to that bastard.” Eitch was stated to be a major inspiration for later stuntman like Evel Knievel.

Eitch died during a failed attempt to parachute from a plane onto a motorcycle as part of a show in Colorado. His parachute failed and he died after a week in the hospital. This stunt was named “The Trip Eitch Move” in his honor.

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Hubert Horatio Humphrey Jr. (May 27, 1911 – March 13, 1978) was an American pharmacist, politician, businessman and sports owner who owned several sports teams in the Twin Cities, seeing success in all of them. Humphrey is the only man in four Halls of Fame and is generally considered the greatest owner in American Sports history.

Born in Wallace, South Dakota, Humphrey attended the University of Minnesota. In 1943, he became a professor of political science at Macalester College and ran a failed campaign for mayor of Minneapolis. He helped found the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL) in 1944; the next year he was elected mayor of Minneapolis, serving until 1948 and successfully advocated for the inclusion of a proposal to end racial segregation in the 1948 Democratic National Convention's party platform.

Leaving public office, Humphrey earned a fortune on Wall Street, and invested this into his home state. Although a patron of arts and education, as well as his continued support for progressive causes. Humphrey is most remembered for his ownership of several professional sports teams.

His first purchase was of the Minneapolis Lakers, sparing them a potential move to the West Coast. To appeal to Saint Paul he renamed them after Minnesota as a whole, a tactic he would use for all of his teams. The Lakers would be his most successful investment, winning five titles over his ownership.

When Baseball expanded, Humphrey fronted the successful bid for the Twin Cities area, helping finance the stadium. The first decade was a difficult one for the Twins, but they would become the team of the 70s in the AL, finally winning the World Series in 1977, featuring a then record number of minority players.

Humphrey also brought NFL success to Minnesota, in the form of another expansion team, the Minnesota Vikings. Although criticized for meddling with draft picks, many of these panned out well, with the Vikings becoming the first team to win three super bowls, led by star running back OJ Simpson.

Hockey was Humphrey’s last addition to his sporting portfolio, and saw immediate success. The North Stars stunned the world by taking the Stanley Cup home in their first ever season of play, and continued to see success into the 1970s.

In 1977-78, Humphrey’s teams all won their respective championships. This was the first time a city had held all four trophies at one time, a record that would not be equaled until Cleveland in 2000-01 and surpassed by Tampa Bay in 2017-18 with the addition of a NASL trophy. Humphrey remains the only owner to have held so many trophies simultaneously. Humphrey died from bladder cancer shortly after achieving this feat, willing his teams to the State of Minnesota. He remains fondly remembered as “Mr. Minnesota Sports” and the man who made the state the State of Champions.

imagine his rage right now at what they did to his father (WIP)

1989-1997: Paul Simon (Democratic)
1988 def. (with Al Gore) George H.W. Bush (Republican)
1988 CT-SEN: Lowell Weicker (R) def. Joe Lieberman (D)
1988 MS-SEN: Wayne Dowdy (D) def. Trent Lott (R)
1988 WY-SEN: John VInich (D) def. Malcolm Wallop (R)
Secretary of State: Samuel Huntington (I)
Secretary of Interior: Dick Lamm (D)
1989: Congressional Black Caucus criticizes Secretary of State Huntington for ties to South African Apartheid regime.
1989: Berlin Wall falls, Cold War considered "over".
1989: US English begins campaign to pass amendment making English official language of United States, begins getting traction.
1990: Jack Gargan begins "Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out" campaign to advocate voting out all incumbent politicians

1990 CT-GOV: Joe Liberman (D) def, John Rowland (R), Joseph Zdonczyk (Taxpayers)
1990 MA-GOV: John SIlber (D) def. Bill Weld (R)
1990 RI-SEN: Claudia Schneider (R) def, Claibourne Pell (D)
1990 TX-GOV: George W. Bush (R) def. Ann Richards (D)
1990: KGB overthrows Gorbachev in "December Coup", Soviet Union collapses into crisis
1991: Iraq invades Kuwait (1990), international coalition unites behind Kuwait to intervene(1991), with Soviets vetoing anti-Iraqi acts by UN.
1991: Samuel Huntington declares war in Iraq as part of new "Clash of Civilizations" as the Cold War comes to a close.
1991: Bernard Chidzero elected first ever African UN Secretary-General, declares "African Century"
1991: Boris Yeltsin lands in Moscow, Soviet Union overthrown in popular rebellion.
1991: Ariel Sharon assassinated by El Sayyid Nosair.
1991: US Soldiers push towards Baghdad after pushing back Iraqi intervention in Kuwait.
1991: Jesse Jackson declares primary campaign against Pres. Simon.
1992: Boris Yeltsin assassinated by drifter, Alexander Chuev takes power and wins re-election in June.
1992: Saddam Hussein overthrown, Paul Simon reaches peak of popularity. Daniel Patrick Moynihan is appointed governor of the Iraqi Provisional Authority. "Iraqi Insurgency" against US occupation and de-Ba'athization begins.
1992: United Nations intervenes in Somali Civil War, begins "Nation-Building" campaign.
1992: Jack Kemp nominated by Republican Party.
1992: John Silber and Jack Gargan run "Mad as Hell" campaign for president.
1992 def. (with
Al Gore) Jack Kemp (Republican), John Silber (Mad as Hell)
1992 NV-Sen: Charles Woods (D) def. Demar Dahl (R)
1992 OR-Sen: Harry Lonsdale (I) def. Les AuCoin D), Bob Packwood (R)
1992 UT-Gov: Merrill Cook (I) def. Mike Leavitt (R), Stewart Henson (D)
1993: Mir Qazi kills 24 in mass shooting at Pentagon, flees to Pakistan.
1993: World Trade Center bombing destroys World Trade Center and kills 3,000.
1993: Simon administration invades Sudan and Afghanistan. Secretary of State Huntington begins "Clash of Civilizations" plan, where the US would eventually invade Syria (1994), Lebanon (1994), Libya (1995) and fully invade Somalia (1996, US-troops had been involved in UN intervention in Somalia)
1993: Jewish Defense League begins "Acts of Terror" against Mosques.
1993: Reform Party forms minority government in Canada.
1993: PATRIOT ACT I passed.
1993: "Department of Homeland Security" created after JDL-Islamic Terror, given extensive "semi-independent" power.
John Tanton (D) given position.
1993: Wesley Clark and John Tanton endorse "separating" "terroristic individuals".
1994: "Genocide-like conditions" in Rwanda leads to UN intervention, however, the death of multiple French and Belgian soldiers causes outcries in the Francosphere. Paul Kagame of the RPF takes power, promises to lead "unity government" backed by UN. France decries "Anglo influences" at United Nations under Chidzero.
1994: Nelson Mandela killed, Chris Hani begins South African Civil War.
1994: United States invades Syria and Lebanon.
1994: PATRIOT ACT II passed.
1994: Ross Perot declares "Mad as Hell" campaign for senate. "Quiet Agreement" between Perot and governor Bush leads to Republicans nominating a "sacrificial lamb" to boost Perot's chances.
1994 Republican Revolution:
1994 CA-SEN: Michael Huffington (R) def. Dianne Feinstein (D), Some Nut (MaH)
1994 HA-GOV: Frank Fasi (MaH) def. Pat Saki (R), John Lewin (D)
1994 HA-SEN: Cec Heftel (MaH) def. Daniel Akaka (D), Republican (R)
1994 MD-SEN: Bill Brock (R) def. Paul Sabarnes (D)
1994 NE-SEN: John DeCamp (MaH) def. Bob Kerrey (D), Republican (R)
1994 TX-SEN: Ross Perot (MaH) def. Lloyd Bentsen (D), Clymer Wright (R)
1994 VA-SEN: Oliver North (R) def. Doug Wilder (D)
1994: Charles Woods (D-NV), Richard Shelby (D-AL), Ben Nighthorse Campbell (D-CO) join Republican coalition.
1995: "Biden Plan" divides Sudan into three states: the black Muslim Darfur, the Arab Muslim North Sudan, and majority Christian South Sudan.
1995: "Kagame Report" drops in France, decries Paul Kagame as "war criminal" and "terrorist", calls for his removal.
1995: Quebec votes to leave Canada, economy drops.
1995: Garfield Shooting kills 25, criticism over violence in media begins.
1995: PATRIOT ACT III passes Republican congress
1995: Enemy Expatriation Act passes
1995: Second lady Gore begins a crusade against violence in media, leading to passage of Family Media Production act(1)
1995: Coalition of labor unions form Labor Party.
1996: Connecticut governor Joe Lieberman nominated for president, backed by Simon administration as “Security Democrat”
1996; Labor party and candidate Ralph Nader attempt to infiltrate Mad as Hell convention, leads to multiple splits.
1996: Republicans nominate George W. Bush, who pledges “peace with honor” in War on Terror.
1996: Coup by ex-Interwahame in Rwanda leads to renewed civil war.
1996: Syria divided similarly to Sudan, creation of independent Kurdish state leads to ethnic conflict in Iraq and Turkey.
1996: Quebec independence negotiations fail, UDI occurs, crashing North American economy. France recognizes Quebec and Manning’s Canada does by 1997.

1997-0000: George W. Bush (Republican)
1996 def. (with John Rowland) Joe Lieberman (Democratic), Ross Perot (Mad as Hell - National), Ralph Nader (Labor - Left MaH), Merrill Cook (Mad as Hell - Right), Dick Lamm (Mad as Hell - Green), Frank Fasi (Mad as Hell - Best)

(1) The bill for this was some Lieberman-Clinton bill from 05-07 but I can’t for the life of me remember it.
Here's an infobox of the 2003 Ontario general election. The POD for this is that the PC campaign doesn't call Dalton McGuinty a ''reptilian kitten-eater'' in their news release. This allows them to do much better, pushing the Liberals into minority territory.
Alternate 2003 Ontario general election infobox.png

Alternate Ontario provincial election riding map.png