louis xi

  1. Kurd Gossemer

    France gets Burgundian Inheritance, what now?

    The question is simple, basically France is capable of acquiring the whole of the Burgundian Inheritance, either via Mary of Burgundy being born later and being wed to Charles VIII of France or the French having success in conquering it fully from the Austrians or maybe Charles the Bold is...
  2. Salma Amer

    Jeanne of France (b. 1435–d. 1482) had children with John II, Duke of Bourbon

    What if Jeanne de Valois and John II, Duke of Bourbon had children?
  3. Salma Amer

    René II, Duke of Anjou, died in 1480, and his sister Jeanne and Charles, Count of Maine, had a son.

    What things will this entail, and I think that Charlotte of Naples will be considered a suitable bride for the young Charles d'Anjou?
  4. Mary the Rich marries Nicholas of Anjou, Charles the Bold dead at Neuss. Now what?

    In 1473, Nicholas, Duke of Lorraine, was engaged to mary the heiress of Burgundy, Mary the Rich. If the engagement had gone through to marriage (a big if, given that Charles, Mary's father, had offered her hand to just about every crowned head in Europe at that point), then this would have...
  5. The Pale and the Purple Rose
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    The pale and the purple rose, That after cost so many blows When English Barons fought, A prize so dearly bought By the fam’d worthies of that shire, Still best by sword and shield defended were. - Thomas D'Urfey @VVD0D95 @isabella @RedKing @eliamartin65 @Dragonboy @The_Most_Happy @Rose’s...
  6. RedKing

    WI: Louis XII succeeds Louis XI?

    The POD to this is simple, shortly before Louis XI’s death Dauphin Charles passes away of an illness. This leaves Louis XII as Louis XI’s successor. So what happens next? Obviously Louis XII is going to pursue the annulment of his marriage to Jeanne of France sooner and will try and earn Anne of...
  7. WI: France Successfully Receives Charles the Bold's Burgundy With At Most Minimal Bloodshed

    Instead of constantly alienating Charles the Bold of Burgundy whose daughter eventually married Maximillian Habsburg, what if Louis XI of France pursues a better approach that gets Charles to marry off his daughter to Louis's son? Assuming France manages to receive Burgundy that way, how is the...
  8. RedKing

    What if Henry VII and Jasper Tudor had fled to France in 1471?

    As it says on the tin, in 1471 Jasper and Henry Tudor successfully land in France as they intended to in OTL. How does Edward IV react? What does Louis XI do with them? How does this affect the Yorkist regime and the Wars of the Roses?
  9. AltoRegnant

    WI: Mary of Burgundy Married King Charles VIII?

    When Duchess Marie of Burgundy inherited the bisected but wealthy Burgundian realm, King Louis XI was determined to have her wed his son Charles, but pushed his hand and tried to coerce direct territorial cession that led to broken negotiations. But what if King Louis played a bit more of a long...
  10. WI: Joan of France (daughter of Louis XI) was healthy

    Louis XI arranged marriage between his handicapped daughter Joan and Louis, Duke of Orléans, hoping, that Orléans line would thus die out. But what if Joan happens to be healthy? Would Spider King still be in favour of that match? There was also political motive behind it, as Louis XI arranged...
  11. WI: longer living Louis XI

    Spider King lives in good health additional 20 years and dies in 1503. How would France fare under his prolonged rule instead of regency and then rule of his son? Hardly any Valois monarch after Louis XI could be called competent, his son definitely wasn't exception. So compared to OTL rule of...
  12. WI: Mary the Rich of Burgundy died before her marriage?

    So I've recently become interested in the early Valois-Habsburg rivalry while researching ways to get the Burgundian inheritance into the hands of the Kings of France and came up with an idea that I don't believe has been explored before: What if Mary the Rich had died before marrying Maximilian...
  13. Francis Duke of Berry, son of Louis XI survives.

    As title says-youngest son of King Spider has not died in 1473 aged just over year. Assuming minimal butterflies (deaths of Francis of Brittany and Charles VIII were results of accidents, but it doesn't mean it is still not possible for them to die in 1488 and 1498 for whatever reason) what...
  14. WI: Louis XI Leaves an Adult Male Heir

    Louis XI’s first son was born in 1458, but died in infancy. His next son, Joachim, born a year later, went the same route. And he remained without male issue until 1466 (called Louis in some sources, François in others), but this son also didn’t live long. Finally, in 1470, Queen Charlotte gave...
  15. WI: Louis XI Has Children By His Scots' Wife

    Louis, dauphin de Viennois (future Louis XI) married Princess Margaret of Scots in 1436, when she was twelve and he a year older. She died, nine years later, without having borne him any children. He remarried to Charlotte of Savoy and had three surviving children by her – Anne de Beaujeu, St...