charles viii

  1. Kurd Gossemer

    France gets Burgundian Inheritance, what now?

    The question is simple, basically France is capable of acquiring the whole of the Burgundian Inheritance, either via Mary of Burgundy being born later and being wed to Charles VIII of France or the French having success in conquering it fully from the Austrians or maybe Charles the Bold is...
  2. The Outrage at Châteaudun: A Very Different Renaissance
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Prologue: An Awful Day In the spring of 1484, Charles VIII was returning to Paris from the Estates General at Tours with his regents, Anne of Beaujeu and the Duke of Bourbon. Having feigned illness to bring an end to the Estates General, the young king’s symptoms went undetected until he was...
  3. mickeymouse

    Where would Columbus have landed if he set sail from a French port?

    IOTL, Christopher Columbus nearly didn’t sail for Spain–when Isabella finally relented on approving the expedition in January 1492, he was actually on his way out of Spain and planning to join his brother Bartholomew in France and appeal to King Charles VIII to find his expedition. However...
  4. RedKing

    WI/PC: England conquers Boulogne in 1492?

    In OTL, Henry VII of England led an army of 12,000 to France in 1492, and laid siege to Boulogne. The siege lasted less than a month, as Charles VIII of France wanted to make peace with England so he could focus on planning his invasion of Italy. But what if Henry VII held out and managed to...
  5. RedKing

    WI: Charles VIII of France marries Margaret of Austria?

    The POD here is that in the New Year of 1491, Anne of Brittany dies of a bad case of the flu, and is succeeded by her cousin Jean as the ruler of Brittany (IIRC the Rohan were the next in line). This results in Charles VIII honouring his betrothal to Margaret of Austria, and marrying her in...
  6. AltoRegnant

    WI: Mary of Burgundy Married King Charles VIII?

    When Duchess Marie of Burgundy inherited the bisected but wealthy Burgundian realm, King Louis XI was determined to have her wed his son Charles, but pushed his hand and tried to coerce direct territorial cession that led to broken negotiations. But what if King Louis played a bit more of a long...
  7. Charles VIII had surviving daughter

    While Charles Orlando surviving scenarios are quite common what about situation, where Charles VIII and Anne of Brittany have healthy daughter *Charlotte* (perhaps the one born in 1495) and Charles still dies in 1498 (yes, I know, considering circumstances of his death it requires massive...
  8. PC: Louise de Savoie Marries Louis XII: Children or no?

    ISTR reading somewhere that had Charles VIII lived, OTL's Louis XII (then just Louis II, duc d'Orléans) would've married Louise of Savoy, Dowager comtesse d'Angoulême as a second wife (I'm not sure if this would have been in the late 1490s or after Charles' sister, St. Jeanne de Valois died)...
  9. Francis Duke of Berry, son of Louis XI survives.

    As title says-youngest son of King Spider has not died in 1473 aged just over year. Assuming minimal butterflies (deaths of Francis of Brittany and Charles VIII were results of accidents, but it doesn't mean it is still not possible for them to die in 1488 and 1498 for whatever reason) what...
  10. WI: Louis XI Leaves an Adult Male Heir

    Louis XI’s first son was born in 1458, but died in infancy. His next son, Joachim, born a year later, went the same route. And he remained without male issue until 1466 (called Louis in some sources, François in others), but this son also didn’t live long. Finally, in 1470, Queen Charlotte gave...
  11. PC: Anne of Brittany, Princess of the Asturias, Duchesse d'Orléans

    This is an idea I had bouncing around in my head earlier. There was at one point a marriage proposed between Juan, Prince of the Asturias (son of the Catholic monarchs) and Anne, Duchess of Brittany. Obviously said proposal went nowhere, but it makes for interesting what-ifs in alt-history. (I...