Recent content by Lascaris

  1. Lascaris

    Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I don’t think we have gone to such size inflation just yet. These are IMO at best Tennessee or Colorado equivalents if not New Mexicos, the war and its aftermath would had put a severe delay in American construction. America went to war in 1913. The US had the equivalent of Nevada laid down and...
  2. Lascaris

    An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    Great victory... the Imperial navy inflicted on itself the equivalent of Trafalgar.
  3. Lascaris

    Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    If he lives, which he should, how likely is a car crash 25 years post-POD? senator McCarthy likely would have uses for a war hero would he not? Donitz escaped. Then Donitz was not terror bombing allied capitals. The British mandate of Palestine ends in 1948. What happens then... I can't...
  4. Lascaris

    The eagle's left head

    One must stress that it was Murad who remained in control of the battlefields so far not the Sicilians. Th8s has a massive impact on the battte casualties. Murad may have lost 8,000 men at Kosynthos for example. But the dead and crippled would be only a portion of this. A larger portion...
  5. Lascaris

    The eagle's left head
    Threadmarks: Part 79

    Thessaloniki, February 1384 Ioanna Philanthropenos, nee Lascaris had just gotten pregnant when husband had gone to war and killed in Kosynthos. Now she had a single son. Messina, February 1384 Ioannis II Maniakes led ten thousand men west against the Palermo with a fleet of 29 galleys...
  6. Lascaris

    The eagle's left head

    Fortunately or unfortunately Venice is a bit occupied at the time fighting Carrara, Austria and Hungary... One note that needs to be repeated. Everyone else outside House Vatatzes is not an idiot. For that matter being part of house Vatatzes does not make you immune to stupidity. As noted in...
  7. Lascaris

    Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles
    Threadmarks: Part 170

    Ontario, September 5th, 1945 The world's first nuclear reactor outside the United States went critical. Germany, September 28th, 1945 George Patton had had a generally good war successfully leading American troops in North Africa, Greece, Italy and France. Now he publicly proclaimed he saw no...
  8. Lascaris

    Demetrius (son of Philip V) becomes king of Macedon

    We are talking of different things I think. Why Demetrios can't switch the agema for a beginning to a Roman style force? He certainly has the money. The Galatians were even importing drill instructors from Italy... which likely Demetrios can also do if he so desires, by the 170s Magna Graecia...
  9. Lascaris

    What OTL events would be considered ASB if they hadn't actually occurred?

    King of Greece is bitten by a herbivorous monkey, in a country where no monkeys live. Dies from bite because he's initially too embarrassed to call a doctor to treat the wound. Now tell me what would be the reaction if I made this an event in a timeline.
  10. Lascaris

    Prevent The WW1 era genocides within the Ottoman Empire

    Genocide or at the very minimum widespread ethnic cleansing was planned way ahead of world war 1 by the CUP, Taner Akcam among others has unearthed comprehensive Ottoman archival evidence to that effect. One would also note that the process was already underway in August 1914, with a quarter...
  11. Lascaris

    Demetrius (son of Philip V) becomes king of Macedon

    That has always been my assumption for a "Demetrian" foreign policy. By what we know, admittedly not much, the man was capable. Couple this to knowing Rome first hand... Demetrios if memory serves was tied to the faction of the Scipios and Flamininus for what may or may not be worth. I don't...
  12. Lascaris

    Demetrius (son of Philip V) becomes king of Macedon

    That's pro-Roman slander against Philip V. Perseus mother was the former wife of Aratus the Younger. Truth is we know relatively little about Demetrios. But he likely could avoid the 3rd Mecedonian war, he probably had sufficient influence within Rome to counter Eumenes accusations and assuming...
  13. Lascaris

    The eagle's left head
    Threadmarks: Part 78

    Gallipoli, June 4th, 1383 Eight thousand men under prince Bayezid, Murad's elder son attacked the Sicilians. Murad had had the presence of mind to dispatch a third of his army after Gallipoli the same night the battle of Kosynthos was over and Bayezid had force marched them fast enough to reach...
  14. Lascaris

    Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Britain is sending convoys under armed escort to Italy? How soon does this spill off to open war? Of course I short of half expect this... Also if this is a free for all with Austrian and French submarines in the Mediterranean the other big merchant marine around is Greece. Athens can't be all...
  15. Lascaris

    The eagle's left head

    I'm inclined to believe Murad had 40,000 at Kosovo. Given troop composition the Ottoman army of the era likely averaged a cost of about 39 ducats. Further to the Ottoman gains in Macedonia and Bulgaria prior to Kosovo Murad had just enough in the way of revenues, direct and through timars) to...