Recent content by Arkenfolm

  1. Would a world with no Christianity (and thus no Islam) butterfly away the Mongol Empire/Mongol Conquests?, also looking for your critiques for my TL!

    Of course Genghis Khan and the Borjigins would not exist with a POD in the Old World so long ago. However, there could still be a Genghis Khan, since that was just the title Temujin took--he just wouldn't be OTL's Genghis Khan and probably wouldn't be named Temujin. And there's studies showing...
  2. Would it be possible for the Viking age to continue until the 19th century?

    This was OTL and they were among the groups called "Finns" by the Norse (i.e. modern Finnmark in Norway). So what about that would necessarily stop a continual era of Viking raids, even if direct invasions or sacking coastal villages and monasteries might become more and more rare. Coastal...
  3. Sea of Blood, Sea of Ice--The Mongol Conquest of Japan
    Threadmarks: Chapter 45-A Wisest of Great Khans

    -XLV- "A Wisest of Great Khans" In 1307, Ayurbarwada seized the throne of the Mongol Empire from his Muslim kinsman Ananda after a brief but chaotic civil war and became Buyantu Khan. He was 22 years old and spent his life up to that point educated in Confucianism and Chinese history by several...
  4. Ideas for Thalassocracies

    The Spanish and Portuguese empires were heirs to 2,000 years of past civilisation and its technological and social achievements. I don't think you can say a civilisation that spreads itself to a distant land across the seas is a thallasocracy. The Polynesians are not a thallasocracy for...
  5. How would a Chinese/Japanese colonization of the Americas differ from European colonization?

    I could see that. But any sort of colonialism requires markets beyond just one's own, and the real big market is China which OTL was a major importer of sea otter furs from the Pacific Northwest. And that's going to be a bit of a problem given China's restrictions on trade with Japan.
  6. Ideas for Thalassocracies

    I'm not sure it's possible to have a trans-oceanic thallasocracy prior to the innovation of modern shipping. Medieval Norway only managed to do so because Iceland was in the midst of a lengthy series of feuds and other islands like Greenland and the Faroes were sparsely populated and North...
  7. AHC: Better 13th Century for the Crusader States

    Maybe something like this map from my TL. Crusader success will most rely on an alliance with the Ilkhanate, but the core problem is that the Ilkhanate has a large number of influential Muslims and of course eventually did convert to Islam--this means the latter doesn't have much reason to let...
  8. How would a Chinese/Japanese colonization of the Americas differ from European colonization?

    East Asians had lower demand for fur because the culture believed that wearing animal skins was barbaric. They preferred it as blankets and ornaments IIRC, to the point of attributing medical and magical powers to certain skins. There were extensive markets importing furs from Siberia and Ezo...
  9. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    They were kind of at a "cul-de-sac" so to speak culturally and economically. The Itelmen culture was fairly static for millennia and only changed because of Ainu and then Russian expansion. Other Kamchatka cultures were always appearing and being displaced, like at one point a group related to...
  10. Effects of Haida raids on the Pacific Northwest, West Coast of the USA and Canada using outrigger canoes from 850 AD onwards?

    The Haida raids of OTL were driven in part by their superior firepower and in part by their ability to better mobilize their society due to more efficient tools (i.e. European-traded tools) and eventually by the very end of the 18th century potatoes. The Coast Salish did not have such firepower...
  11. How would a Chinese/Japanese colonization of the Americas differ from European colonization?

    I think in a lot of ways it would be akin to the French sort of colonisation based around acquiring trade goods and remitting it back to the metropole. There wouldn't need to be a large population, and such a thing would be discouraged. There might not even be a demand for assimilation--the Edo...
  12. Can Switzerland be even bigger?

    The Three Leagues were a long-time ally of the Swiss Confederacy and at one point ruled the three valleys within the modern Italian province of Sondrio and sought to rule the area around Como. However, their rule was undermined there and eventually they lost control over it. So if this doesn't...
  13. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    The colonists of New France had a lot more going for them technologically and economically than a bunch of Norse herdsmen and would-be farmers. And considering the continuing importance of hunting and fishing in the diet of the Indians of the Northeast, I doubt population densities would have...
  14. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    My issue is that unlimited expansion down to New England or down the St. Lawrence doesn't really seem plausible since within 150-200 years, the Amerindians will become much more advanced and organised as a result of the trade carried on by Vinland, mixed-race individuals settling among them, and...
  15. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    Ignoring my disagreements with that model of population and expansion, the result of any substantial Vinland is quite large. It would see plenty of contact from Europe--it's a substantial realm with decent exports--iron, exotic furs, walrus ivory, gyrfalcons, and probably gold. It can export...