Recent content by alspug

  1. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    The single biggest mistake of the Campaign was attempting to do it in a probing fashion rather than waiting until the forces to carry out the attack are actually ready. What was needed was a investiture of the fortrifications that held the Greek/Turkish lines from the Balkan war boundaries. The...
  2. Greater Armenia in Present Day?

    Sadly Armenia has been ignored and almost forgotten amongst the many sad and tragic crimes of the 20th century. The Treaty of Sevres would have given good borders and followed a territorial line defined by ethnicity of the majority population. I do wonder if perhaps it's imposition would have...
  3. Malaya What If

    I learn so much from the discussions within threads. What I need to do is learn to save links so I can refer to them later lol. On another note the British really have little choice over strting Matador. If they do nothing they are allowing the Japanese to get entrenched and the Thai...
  4. Soviets beef up NVAF

    The only possible use of the aircraft your suggesting is to head out into the waters the USN Carriers are operating in and target the aerial refueling aircraft or possibly intercept USAF cargo aircraft if they can get past the USN. I can imagine the joy of the F8, A4, F-4 pilots on finding...
  5. Malaya What If

    Part of that was a frontier spirit that was common the remainder was the training that included jungle training.
  6. Malaya What If

    The Buffalo's the RAF had from what I remember had literally second hand engines and instead of 1200hp they had like 1,000hp. In hot and humid conditions this is a massive decrease in performance. Even with the loss of power issue the tactics used left the RAF in considerable danger due to it's...
  7. Fw 187/287/487 instead of Me 110/210/410 - what gives?

    The Me 110 was an attmpt at a long range fast fighter to protect bombers and while it was good against bombers it suffered from being too heavy and lacked the ability to turn with fighters and many other issues. The Me 109 was the smallest airframe possible with the best aerodynamics possible...
  8. Fw 187/287/487 instead of Me 110/210/410 - what gives?

    Personally I have never understood why the Luftwaffe would not mass produce the heck out of the FW aircraft as they literally had more development potential and better ground performance with less losses on landings etc.
  9. An AH Battle: 1st Battle of Midway, 17 - 21 June 1942

    The main reason why the American Carrier groups operated in pairs or alone was the difficulty of controling the resultant force. This is also why even the Japanese used the size of attacking wave they did. it was the inability of controling the force. Radar made the job easier but marshaling...
  10. King Charles Gay?

    The original post was a link to a tabloid claiming he thought about turning gay. ie the post was about turning gay. Not going to argue how sexuality works as my understanding is that it's impossible to explain as different for every person due to their feelings and experiences.
  11. King Charles Gay?

    With the clear sense of duty with which King Charles has acted throughout his life I have zero doubt he would marry whoever he was told then sire a few children followed by appearing in public to be a happy married man. Having said that I really do not believe in any way shape or form that the...
  12. How would a NATO invasion of Warsaw Pact go?

    Nearly all NATO doctrine was about attriting the Soviets through moving ambushes and refusing the set piece battle favoured by Warsaw Pact doctrine. Armoured assaults into a warsaw pact defensive line would be very very expensive due to the equipment the WP forces had and the drastically...
  13. How would a NATO invasion of Warsaw Pact go?

    Whats interesting is that the Soviet Artillery would be very effective in blunting any attacks. The Soviet air forces and Warsaw Pact air forces would have a hard time fighting the deep strike Tornado's and F-111's. The F-15 and F-16's would do well wrestling for the control of the air but the...
  14. Bush,Congress,Cabinet killed in 9/11

    The decision making process in any modern company follows a degree of importance and authorised level of decision making model. IE: many decisions are made at the low level manager level with written procedures to guide the decions. As the decisions required become more consequential and...
  15. Bush,Congress,Cabinet killed in 9/11

    In reality the top people in each Cabinet arm of the various agencies is not critical and apart from saying yes to budget and getting pet projects running they are useless. Here in Australia the effect of the Government is literally to artificially change the money market and cuddle up to the...