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  1. WI: Washington stays in postwar retirement, who becomes the first president?

    Article II was written in summer 1787. Various things might have changed Washington´s mind (or body) in the following year and half, making him an unlikely candidate by December 1788. Washington did not want to run in 1796, but got 2 votes anyway. Jefferson´s votes went: 1788 - no votes 1792 -...
  2. WI: Washington stays in postwar retirement, who becomes the first president?

    Um, Adams WAS in the running! Before the 12th Amendment, the electors just cast 2 votes without designating President or Vice President. Something which went on to be vital in 1800 elections - since all Democrats voted for Jefferson and Burr, they were tied - for President, and the Federalist...
  3. WI Louis XVIII apprehended in March 1815?

    Louis XVI notably failed to escape in October 1789 and in June 1791. In March 1815, Louis XVIII ordered arrest of Napoleon I. Fruitlessly. Army units and officers who had been ordered to do so, and actually personally promised to do so, defected to Napoleon instead. How come Louis XVIII was able...
  4. WI: The Macedonian empire remained united after Alex the great died?

    That´s not quite almost certain. Alexander IV had several unlucky breaks: He was son of a captive barbarian Roxane - Ptolemy called her out on it Roxane was a minor barbarian at that. Her family was not very useful in wars of Diadochi He was unborn Alexander ended up not leaving a clear...
  5. WI: The Macedonian empire remained united after Alex the great died?

    OTL, Alexander rejected the advice to marry before departing for Persian expedition. But following the advice and marrying earlier would not have ensured stable single succession either. How could Alexander groom a successor in a way that would encourage his successors to groom theirs in their...
  6. WI: Portugalican Church in 17th century

    They were invaded by land by Spain anyway. They were fighting it off, successfully. So why leave bishop´s posts vacant, rather than consecrate new bishops?
  7. WI: Portugalican Church in 17th century

    After Portuguese Revolution, in 1640, Pope of Rome sided with Spain and refused to appoint Portuguese bishops, till 1670. For some reason, Portugal remained Catholic. WI, Portuguese after failure of initial negotiations break communion with Rome outright? That is, keep the popular Catholic...
  8. Best royal dynasty for Rome

    One clue that would have made Manlian Rome an interesting case... While the Roman historians tried to play up heroic feats and victories of early Republic, the clear impression is that Old Republic sucked. Military defeats, the one major expansion was at the end, conquest of Veii in 396, and...
  9. Best royal dynasty for Rome

    No, he wasn´t. He was only accused of unjust political killings. The one Tarquinius accused of rape was his son Sextus Tarquinius and he was not Superbus´ only son - Superbus´ other sons were Titus and Arruns. Brutus killed his both two sons (and left himself without posterity) accusing his...
  10. Best royal dynasty for Rome

    In the first 125 years of Roman Republic, there were 5 alleged attempts to make Rome kingdom again, that I am aware of: Tarquinius Superbus attempting restoration to throne, at some point with allies like king Lars Porsenna Sp. Cassius Vecellinus, thrice consul, pursued popular politics and in...
  11. Plausibility Check-Llamas introduced to Mesoamerica

    There is a plenty of temperate rainforest in Andes! Chile. How do wild guanacos range in wet Chile? How did domesticated llamas of the Mapuche?
  12. WI women assured vote in papal elections?

    Agreed. The Ecclesiastical College, as of 1792: 2 archbishops (Salzburg and Besancon. 3 were in Electoral College, and 2, namely Magdeburg and Bremen, lost to Reformation) 22 bishops Heads of 7 monasteries at individual vote each: 4 titled "abbot", 3 titled "provost" Grand Masters of 2 knightly...
  13. WI women assured vote in papal elections?

    Not quite. It is easier for a man without birth-family connections to claim merit to become an abbot than it is for a woman without birth-family qualifications to claim merit to become an abbess. The expectations on who could be a cardinal and how many there should be, changed. Repeatedly.
  14. WI women assured vote in papal elections?

    Potentially, entrenching some College of Cardinal votes as harder to achieve by career. Certainly there would be attempts by all interested parties to manipulate the patronage. It would have knock-on effects if a sister of German Emperor or mother of English king is abbess not of Quedlinburg...
  15. WI women assured vote in papal elections?

    As of 1792, one vote in Reichstag college of princes (out of a hundred...) was structurally controlled by women.
  16. WI women assured vote in papal elections?

    Cardinal deacons were deacons. Not priests. And there were (male) "lay cardinals".
  17. WI women assured vote in papal elections?

    But not women generally, nor any laywomen. Nor right to be elected. The college of cardinals was defined in 11th...12th centuries. It consists of: bishops, but not all bishops nor any archbishops - just the suburbicarian bishops priests, of specified churches all in Rome, but not of all...
  18. Plausibility Check-Llamas introduced to Mesoamerica

    Teotihuacan had a lot of regional barrios connected to exotic crafts and importing exotic goods. So why not a Peruvian Barrio in Teotihuacan whose inhabitants smelt bronze, raise llamas and weave woollen textiles - probably decorated, fancy woollens for display by Teotihuacan´s elites?
  19. Plausibility Check-Llamas introduced to Mesoamerica

    Electric fans were not available, that is. Taking care to shear a domestic llama in spring, and before sending it to a voyage across tropical lowland or sea, would have been available to prehistoric herders looking to push the wild range limits... which are already generous. The guanaco. Whose...
  20. Plausibility Check-Llamas introduced to Mesoamerica

    Also a llama is not as big a piece of meat when slaughtered as a cow, but still bigger than a turkey or a guinea swine. What would have happened if guinea swine had been introduced to Mexico? Turkey to Peru? (Neither are grazers). Potato seems to be more demanding of moisture and cool climate...